Thank you everyone for all the support and kind words on Action Comics a whole lot more of that coming in
In the meantime, here's a bit of the process for one of my favorite moments from the book
👊"one of them did."

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La teselación y la sistematización de las formas características de la obra de M.C. tienen su origen en la fuerte impresión que le produjeron los alicatados de la durante una vista al palacio nazarí en 1937...👀⬇️

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Natural history illustration and the park: Fauna boreali-americana, or, The zoology of the northern parts of British America, by Sir John Richardson et al..... 4 vols, 1829-1837......BHL/Smithsonian....

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📢Hypno Wing
32/150 now!!! 🚀
Owned by : 0x4337... 🔥
Pls check the collection!

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Jimmie Woke up this way
WTF is this why his eyes glowing blue? what is the meaning of all of this strangeness? | Gas is Cheap can I borrow so...

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이제 몇 분 후면 1937......1938년이야.

지인분 리퀘로 그린 0319 실수가 만들어낸 믿나 루프물 기반 어쩌구 만화...

113 40

I saw Leon trending and, though I knew it was Pokémon related, I for some reason thought it meant Mr. 11037....

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I was gonna save this one for next week but since certain someone came to the rescue in 137...

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I really really love how Haruka handled the situation in ep 37.... When I saw the boy twisted his ankle I thought "Oh to be the npc who gets shifted away once again so someone from main cast could shine" but then she??????

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13 37.... Sigo esperando poder votar

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Melting Love a.k.a the main reason I'm stuck on day 37...

7 17

Day 37...An IMAGINARIUM In 365 Days...these are all just quick little 20 mins sketches..happily drawn in

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My of the challenge created by ...
My cartoon-y take of the gun. I think...although you can’t tell from my sketch..he used a Colt 37...maybe...

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day 24 hobby: 🥞💕

"do human cakes in a pan need 34 eggs or 37.... "
"Pathfinder we do not have a digestive system like the skinsuits..."

Just let him enjoy this don't tell him
*Inspired by the rev / path writer banter

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page 37... I am tired lol

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