Thread: Andrea Mantegna (c1431-1506) was an Italian Renaissance painter & antiquarian. His work linked modern painting with Roman antiquity. Oculus, Camera degli Sposi (1465-74), Madonna & Child (c1455) & Portrait of a Man (c1470). He is one of my favourite artists

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Colores cálidos, vibrantes y alegres que darán vida a cualquier espacio desde residencial, hoteleria, oficina o restaurant. Foto: 19465- Autumn Patterns.

0 0

Sundays can be a little slower, but this is ridiculous!
Ofc Thomas Gearrey located this critter near Amity/Murray. It’s safe w/a reptile rescue. If the🐢belongs to you, call dispatch 208-465-2257op 2 (Please don’t call w/general inquires)

5 39

Excerpts from Welcome to Tickle Town ( 465-466) by Scott Gray. Art by . Lettering by .

0 4

The Grey Passion is a series of paintings by Hans Holbein the Elder (1465-1524). Executed between 1494 and 1500, it comprises twelve panels illustrating the Passion of Christ; Holbein's monochrome palette is almost entirely grey. (Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany)

7 21

BAR blue wood( )オープンしてます!


6 7

[1曲マスター”J-POPダンス”]12/15(土)10:30~12:15 参加費3,207円・要予約。講師はnao先生。ダンス未経験の方が楽しく踊れるようアレンジ。5人組現役男性アイドルグループのあのヒット曲を踊ります!誰の?何の曲?お電話でお問合せ下さい⇒横浜センター045-465-2010。

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Andrea Mantegna
Ceiling Oculus
Italy (1465-74)
Fresco diameter: 270 cm
Camera degli Sposi, Palazzo Ducale, Mantua

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[5月新刊予定] ニシワキタダシさん『かきくけおかきちゃん』が5/18頃発売です。
ISBN978-4-908465-08-6 C0071 (大福書林)B6・並製・144ページ・2色印刷・1,200円+税 本屋さんで予約できます。●5/19からニシワキさんの個展「べー」がメリーゴーランド京都でスタート!

6 16

Andrea Mantegna
Madonna col Bambino Dormiente
Tempera a colla su Tela

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A Christian Allegory
Jan Provost (1465-1520)

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