"Takahashi has continued to supervise the creation of Yu-Gi-Oh! manga since the end of the original manga's run, but now he is returning to bring the Marvel Universe under its sway, and both writing and drawing the manga, and it will be in canon with the rest of the Marvel 616."

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616. iron maiden
yume nisshi

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Força Fênix | Jean Grey
Quadrinhos das imagens: Universe X (2000)

A Fênix da Terra-9997 compartilha uma origem semelhante à de sua contraparte da Terra-616.

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I love 2099 meets 616. Plus it introduced 2211 and I really wish marvel would bring him back!

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“We have the spirit of the shattered Betsy Braddock, of seat 616. She is the first of us to wield the Starlight Sword, and we demand to see her restored.”

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I mean it was ABLE to kill off Wolverine...and no one cared, he was later replaced James Hudson....who I don't think anyone cares about, he's just kind of around and actually did end up in 616...and HE BONDED to a symbiote now?

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2/2 More great Trip family pix: Johanna de Geer-Trip w/ her children Cecilia & Laurens as Caritas, and the dog, 1663. By Ferdinand Bol, born OTD in 1616.

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America Chavez and Steve Rogers team-up to save the Earth-616. At the end Steve is proud of America and she becomes an ally of the Captain America family. https://t.co/R9dVzO1x10

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So, Marvel Comics exists in the Marvel Comics universe, and publishes comics with fictionalized accounts of real people who exist on Earth-616. Which means that Marvel Comics is the Earth-616 equivalent of Bluewater or Keenspot.

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¿Cómo? 👀 El universo cinematográfico de Marvel sería tratado como el universo 616. Una hoja de casting para Doctor Strange 2 confirmaría este hecho.

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Shakespeare was born on this day – 23rd April – in 1564, the same day he died in 1616.

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"All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players:
they have their exits and their entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts ..."
As You Like It, Act II

English playwright, poet, and actor William Shakespeare died in 1616.


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Dépassé par son œuvre, l'auteur espagnol Miguel de a transcendé les âges avec L’Ingénieux Don Quichotte de la Manche.

Son roman est une parodie de l'idéal chevaleresque. Satire sociale, le thème du livre est devenu intemporel.

Il s'éteint le 23 avril 1616.

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Fun fact: Miles's sister Billie Morales is a cosmic rarity which means she is born child of a family who had been transferred from 1610 to the 616.

So her original universe is 616 instead of 1610.

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💎 The Creationist 💎

✨ Artwork by
💰 Sold to aj_88 for 2.0 ETH ($3,616.94)


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la cappella di Teodolinda nel duomo di Monza, affrescata tra il 1441 e il 1446 da Franceschino Zavattari e dai suoi due abili figli.

45 scene, eleganti e dettagliate, illustrano gli avventurosi capitoli della vita di colei che fu Regina dei Longobardi dal 589 al 616.

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Marvel has its own set of AUs each with their own numeration, the main one being Earth-616.

All Capcom crossover games with Marvel are part of their Earth-30847. This universe seems to have shared a lot with the original 616 universe with sprinkles of the others here and there.

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