Doodle Dooplication rights sold for 0.05 ETH ($ 84.49)!

Then doop'd with Very Common Dooplicator
Congrats MarcelStrelow!


0 0

Madeline has Finished Jerma984...

20 492

that's nice, lol😅84.29%

1 28

1184. 미코시바는 무시 당하면 다신 말을 걸지도, 접근하지도 않을 거라고 한 적 있다.

42 87

Hey hey hey, did you hear? franklinisbored just sold 20 Doodles for a whopping Ξ84.470 ($122,276.24)! Who knew doodling could be so lucrative?

1 8



1 3

Holy guacamole! Did you hear that 0x77E3e just sold 4 Azuki for Ξ51.570 ($74,284.52)? Who's ready to get their hands on some sweet NFT action?

1 4

💎 Despair 💎

✨ Artwork by
💰 Sold to jaccourtney for 0.2 ETH ($284.26)


2 11

Wowza! Did you hear about DM_FOR_DISCOUNT selling 313 Momoguro: Holoself NFTs for a whopping Ξ84.510 ($118,395.97)? That's some serious cash, bro!

0 14

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya jadi lukisan digital karyaku, potret KH. Idham Chalid, sosok pahlawan nasional, serta Ketua Tanfidziyah Nahdlatul Ulama periode 1956-1984.

Dilukis menggunakan Tablet dan aplikasi Artflow.

20 209

Wow! Mrghostmintfun sold 13 Azuki for an incredible Ξ190.070 ($291,084.60)!

3 11

Entry 2485 | Hollee Pix
🎨Halo beret
Hand-drawn in pencil and ink. Colour digitally rendered.
84.1 cm x 118.9 cm

0 2

Entry 2485 | Hollee Pix
🎨Shine on sunshine
Hand-drawn in pencil and ink. Colour digitally rendered.
84.1 cm x 118.9 cm

0 1