Quand Astérix le Gaulois s'écoutait sur les ondes de France Inter - Juillet 1966.
(document via Facebook/Christian Richard)

6 7

Una Watters (4 Nov 1918 Nov 1965). Artist/librarian. eg Claíomh Solais/Sword of Light for 50th anniversary Rising, 1966.👩‍🎓. Early works religious, later the everyday. Exhibited RHA. Society of Dublin Painters. https://t.co/bPvfPXP45G https://t.co/WVAy9Wrl7h

7 14

Are you into cryptids? MIB? UFOs?

MOTHMEN 1966 is a 'Pixel Pulp'—our own visual novels with rich pixel art and pulpy themes—set amongst the strange occurrences of the Leonid meteor shower of 1966.

🛸 Wishlist + Demo: https://t.co/ZSeIUuNoBZ

33 116

Today in Comics History: The Emmy-nominated "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"--the third Peanuts TV special--was first broadcast on October 27, 1966.

19 48

監督/市村 泰一
出演/栗塚 旭
小林 哲子

1 19

素晴らしい教育を受ける機会を多くの子供達に広める為、優秀な教師の育成支援を行う認定(特非)Teach For Japanが制定。教師という仕事の魅力、現場の先生方の日々の実践、努力を社会に伝えるのが目的。日付は1966.10.5ユネスコが教師の地位向上に関する勧告に調印、世界教師デーの制定と同じ日に。

0 2

Hashmask - “Insurance” was purchased by https://t.co/gskSAAx4FO from https://t.co/IrYLnH9ZQ6 for 2.7100 $ETH ($8,966.58 USD)

Character: Robot
Mask: Street
Eye: Glass
Skin: Steel
Item: Toilet Paper

0 0

今回の が語源のキャラネタwであらためて を検索。1966.12.5~1968212.30放映の全109話(17話まで白黒)。#カブ はサリーちゃんの使い魔。パパはヴィルヘルム2世由来のカイゼル髭、と授業で言ってももう通じないw。1989年版(4枚目)も全90話のロングランでした。

1 4

Ethiopian Airlines annual reports 1955, 1956, 1966. Designer unknown.

5 21

Hi, name's Darrick, subject My designation is Dust Phantom, a spectral entity with the ability to manipulate dust particles.

0 4

Robert Vaughn.
Photoplay September 1966.

5 22

Doctor Who And The Invasion From Space published in 1966.
William Hartnell in the title role on BBC TV.

0 19

Front covers of a few British comics, all for 13th August, 1966. I wish I had copies of THE BEEZER, THE DANDY and THE TOPPER for those dates in my collection, but I don’t ☹

1 13

💎 Trials 💎

✨ Artwork by
💰 Sold to for 1.3 ETH ($2,966.04)


0 5

💎 Colorblind 💎

✨ Artwork by dromsjel
💰 Sold to for 3.5 ETH ($6,966.82)


1 8


6 39

Vitaly Ivanovich Lenchin (b. 1940). Aurora, 1966. Linocut, 59 x 79.4 cm. Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava.

20 74

🧵: Paul McCartney🎤
"Paul is dead" is an urban legend and conspiracy theory that claimed the death of Paul McCartney, the famous English musician of The Beatles, to be 9 November 1966.

5 11