Roy Lichtenstein, Alka Seltzer, 1966.

6 30

Quand Astérix le Gaulois s'écoutait sur les ondes de France Inter - Juillet 1966.
(document via Facebook/Christian Richard)

6 7

Una Watters (4 Nov 1918 Nov 1965). Artist/librarian. eg Claíomh Solais/Sword of Light for 50th anniversary Rising, 1966.👩‍🎓. Early works religious, later the everyday. Exhibited RHA. Society of Dublin Painters.

7 14

Are you into cryptids? MIB? UFOs?

MOTHMEN 1966 is a 'Pixel Pulp'—our own visual novels with rich pixel art and pulpy themes—set amongst the strange occurrences of the Leonid meteor shower of 1966.

🛸 Wishlist + Demo:

33 116

Today in Comics History: The Emmy-nominated "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"--the third Peanuts TV special--was first broadcast on October 27, 1966.

19 48

監督/市村 泰一
出演/栗塚 旭
小林 哲子

1 19

素晴らしい教育を受ける機会を多くの子供達に広める為、優秀な教師の育成支援を行う認定(特非)Teach For Japanが制定。教師という仕事の魅力、現場の先生方の日々の実践、努力を社会に伝えるのが目的。日付は1966.10.5ユネスコが教師の地位向上に関する勧告に調印、世界教師デーの制定と同じ日に。

0 2

Hashmask - “Insurance” was purchased by from for 2.7100 $ETH ($8,966.58 USD)

Character: Robot
Mask: Street
Eye: Glass
Skin: Steel
Item: Toilet Paper

0 0

今回の が語源のキャラネタwであらためて を検索。1966.12.5~1968212.30放映の全109話(17話まで白黒)。#カブ はサリーちゃんの使い魔。パパはヴィルヘルム2世由来のカイゼル髭、と授業で言ってももう通じないw。1989年版(4枚目)も全90話のロングランでした。

1 4

Ethiopian Airlines annual reports 1955, 1956, 1966. Designer unknown.

5 21

Hi, name's Darrick, subject My designation is Dust Phantom, a spectral entity with the ability to manipulate dust particles.

0 4

Robert Vaughn.
Photoplay September 1966.

5 22

Doctor Who And The Invasion From Space published in 1966.
William Hartnell in the title role on BBC TV.

0 19

Front covers of a few British comics, all for 13th August, 1966. I wish I had copies of THE BEEZER, THE DANDY and THE TOPPER for those dates in my collection, but I don’t ☹

1 13

💎 Trials 💎

✨ Artwork by
💰 Sold to for 1.3 ETH ($2,966.04)

0 5

opened at with a ceremony presided over by and the mayor of New Orleans on this day in 1966. Due to his failing health, this will turn out to be Walt's last major public appearance in the park.

27 167

💎 Colorblind 💎

✨ Artwork by dromsjel
💰 Sold to for 3.5 ETH ($6,966.82)

1 8


6 39

Pink Floyd / UFO Club, 1966.

53 238