画質 高画質

Gli ho chiesto del futuro, se ancora lo vede luminoso.
"Ho letto troppi libri di storia" – mi ha risposto.
(Il vecchio professore, Wislawa Szymborska)

Corneliu Baba (1906 - 1997)

3 2

Ohayou, senpai! Franklinisbored just sold 50 Doodles for Ξ189.860 ($343,957.97)! That's a lot of moolah! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

0 17

5位(RT39/Fav96):https://t.co/iUJRsg1vpy (1nXYUI1j3aRHm2u)
6位(RT30/Fav74):https://t.co/TQO1wFPujq (TamamizuTM)
7位(RT21/Fav54):https://t.co/F2ljC7YKUe (mikankei3)
8位(RT14/Fav55):https://t.co/dnZpUZd857 (Onomichi97)

0 0

1位(RT74/Fav216):https://t.co/r5wWaOQ9w0 (yukikaze2828)
2位(RT39/Fav125):https://t.co/9VG8rbaDnz (comicand_com)
3位(RT46/Fav97):https://t.co/3JGnPs3hcD (myyo04)
4位(RT35/Fav101):https://t.co/06aVnq7jrM (001machi)

0 0

1位(RT145/Fav497):https://t.co/teKjocE9bM (MonteMasa)
2位(RT93/Fav296):https://t.co/4KTIB2PP2Z (aki0107_inica)
3位(RT90/Fav258):https://t.co/xpKyp5XRRG (faraway_716_p)
4位(RT46/Fav129):https://t.co/QCOQkOpzUD (MironA33)

0 0

9位(RT99/Fav379):https://t.co/g7xZpC7Y4X (0toumaguro)
10位(RT78/Fav397):https://t.co/fuYpd6zsDs (lycorisradiata2)
11位(RT112/Fav353):https://t.co/3gZeIdOWaY (satsuki_tohka)
12位(RT97/Fav361):https://t.co/gr4pglMD9G (comicand_com)

0 0

Ohayou, senpai! 0xACb2b here! I'm thrilled to announce that 116 Sappy Seals have been sold for Ξ103.260 ($170,472.97)! Arigatou gozaimasu! (^◡^)

0 10

https://t.co/z5rjD2mL8D <- [WIN95] 귀견(1997) - 하승남 작가의 무협 만화 원작 대전액션 게임. 실제 원작 만화의 전자북 페이지를 넘기다가, 특정 구간에 들어가면 페이지에 그려진 만화 캐릭터들의 대전 모드로 바뀌는 게 컨셉은 괜찮았지만. 기술력이 따라가지 못해서 게임 그래픽이 시대를 역행.

0 1

9位(RT32/Fav97):https://t.co/6mjOabIgLG (faraway_716_p)
10位(RT27/Fav99):https://t.co/aISRqCNnSm (NACHA305)
11位(RT29/Fav83):https://t.co/QRlLwswP3x (yamadanti62)
12位(RT31/Fav73):https://t.co/6id2G6HQ8i (nao_eg)

0 0




0 103

Henriette Wyeth–Hurd. (1907~1997)
딸인 헨리엣 와이어스도 초상화와 정물화로 유명한 화가.

1 8

5位(RT27/Fav97):https://t.co/yXy9y0U5mq (comicand_com)
6位(RT19/Fav56):https://t.co/49sdVVFvAn (anyapoiiii)
7位(RT15/Fav57):https://t.co/2gRLPKU6HG (TamamizuTM)
8位(RT11/Fav39):https://t.co/htwEtJgimz (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)

0 0

Storyboards by Hayao Miyazaki for Princess Mononoke (1997), dir. Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli

516 2822

5位(RT69/Fav218):https://t.co/WB3iVIQHlV (siroimakeinu831)
6位(RT72/Fav197):https://t.co/gAPOww9Pkb (Ray___S)
7位(RT63/Fav191):https://t.co/M2f86i6KEg (lycorisradiata2)
8位(RT70/Fav181):https://t.co/LVHstM6743 (__west)

0 0

1位(RT456/Fav1709):https://t.co/2nitEUbEDA (takasemuh)
2位(RT302/Fav1297):https://t.co/6MU8zL3Fnf (shohosandaisuki)
3位(RT248/Fav821):https://t.co/fDNoIw1R4J (comiz00)
4位(RT180/Fav536):https://t.co/rr3daOx9Bx (akashieru)

0 0

Wowza! Did you hear about DM_FOR_DISCOUNT selling 313 Momoguro: Holoself NFTs for a whopping Ξ84.510 ($118,395.97)? That's some serious cash, bro!

0 14

Wow! MachiBigBrother sold 16 Azuki for an incredible Ξ226.890 ($322,353.97)!

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