Chicken abortions

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I get Supernatural is a cable TV show, they can't do CGI like GOT or The Mandalorian. But hell, Primeval & Primeval: New World had some damn good creature CG. No reason Supernatural couldn't make Leviathans like they typically look, instead of making those shapeshifting abortions

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Abortion later in pregnancy is extremely rare: Most abortions happen before 21 weeks. Someone who needs an abortion later in pregnancy deserves our compassion and support.

🎨: w/

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God... why did you have to tell me someone has eaten those abortions of culinary crafts?

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Did you know, medically the treatments for abortions and miscarriages* are the same?

The only difference in treatment is the stigma.

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What if nonbinary people could have their abortions at home—safely—with pills so they didn’t have to worry about being misgendered at the clinic?

Learn more about self-managed abortion & how to make abortion pills available to everyone.

🎨 by

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something on a more serious note today, i cant go out and protest but i can speak up about it.

please spread the word, donate to organisations that are providing safe abortions, be loud, use the tags below, we cannot be silenced

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Constitutional tribunal has decided today that abortions for fetal abnormalities violate the country’s Constitution and now we have a near-total ban on abortion (FYI, we already had some of the strictest abortion laws in EU. Can't believe what this government is doing to Poland🙁

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For abortions that HAVE to be done at the final trimester, sure, maybe a body is there, but most are done at this stage: look like a person to you?

Why don't you vouce for men getting vasectomies to avoid more unwanted babies?

Abuse victim who was almost a teen mom ❤

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States across the US have enacted cruel, unconstitutional abortion laws that require doctors to sexually assault women seeking abortions and lie to them about the health impacts of abortion. Some laws require funerals for foetal remains.


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DISCLAIMER: As a pro-life individual, I do not endorse any institutions referred to in the link in my bio that may perform abortions, which I believe to be a form of infanticide. That notwithstanding, I recognize that I have no say over what organizations you decide to support.

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The Polish Government is once again trying to enact a total ban on abortions. We will not be silenced when women and afab folk are forced to deal with the hell that is this country.

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Forced pregnancy is reproductive coercion. Forced travel is inhumane. Forcing women 2 turn 2 unsafe abortions is dangerous. This is not Gilead. This in (NI) and we need

68 196

Obviously that image is not what you would see since 66% of abortions happen in the first 6 weeks. Then a majority happen in the first 12 weeks and the ultrasound would look like this. You definitely would not be seeing that image in your ultra sound. This is more accurate.

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More Than 400 Pro-Life Laws Were Passed During the Last 10 Years and Abortions Dropped 23%

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Slovakia rejected a proposed bill that would have made it obligatory for women seeking abortions to first have an ultrasound and obtain the father’s consent before the abortion.

More than 30 organizations, including and , expressed “deep concern” about the law.


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Let’s ask abortions what they think

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Julian Castro: I support trans women and their right to have abortions

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LA state Sen. John Milkovich sponsored the draconian bill that bans all abortions after 6 weeks.

This nutjob also thinks autism didn’t exist when he was growing up.

In 2018, he wrote a book, “Robert Mueller Errand Boy for a New World Order.”

And he’s a Democrat...??

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