Midnight Sunset Adopt 💫🌑

I’m really proud of this one!! I might keep them if no ones interested !

Auto buy: 50$
Looking for: money, characters, art, etc..

Shares are appreciated! 🥺

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りぃだぁ(@ bakadeka_1031)のことをそこまで知らない身で恐縮ですが、描かせて頂きました。


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idk what happens just when we were getting to THAT (around ch 45??) bc i either couldnt find the next volume or it’s in hiatus/discontinued haha ANYWAY here more art and im still looking for nao tsukiji’a artbook at least for adekan ahhh

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adekan remains one of my all-time favs:

1) still the BEST manga art for me
2) gave off all the ridiculous humor but with sinister very dark plot going too
3) the world building of the factions!!!
4) Very Competent chars esp the main trio
5) fan service galore on BL-esque

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been thinking about Jadekan and boy do i wanna draw them again someday, here's some old doodles of them though

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your opinion on: Adekan

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Ya he visto a varios hacerlo así que yo tambien.

Kaori es de mis personajes favoritos femeninos ever. Inspiradora, risueña y, en definitiva, un ser de luz. Fue ademas gracias a ella y su anime que entendí lo importante que es la música para transmitir emociones.

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L'Ere des Cristaux 💎
le Pavillon des Hommes 👘
le Requiem du Roi des 🌹
Spiritual Princess 🎏
Adekan ☂️
Artiste 🧑‍🍳

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Kimi no Nadekata Shitsukekata vol.3
by Kasai Chiaki

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4 characters I like and 4 people ☺️

This was a pretty hard choice, I have so many fav characters 😆

Kakashi, Grimmjow, Shanks, Kai and Rindo 😆


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My friend just bought the whole set of Nao Tsukiji artbooks, so I got reminded with Adekan. Still can’t believe it’s a) not licensed in English & b) not actually gay or queer
Cause forget about being gay, it’s the whole damn pride parade

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Jadekat?! At this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?!

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Did my first commission

Commissioned by ComradeKawaii

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Post your 4 Biggest artist influences!

Ayami Kojima - Castlevania
Kaori Yuki - Angel Sanctuary
Nao Tsukiji - Adekan
Shirow Miwa - DOGS Bullets & Carnage

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Se han abierto los pedidos para la segunda colección de joyería inspirada en 'Adekan' de Tsukiji Nao Tsukiji () Las que hagan sus reservas antes del 18 de marzo, se llevarán una postal exclusiva.

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Неожиданно захотелось нарисовать этих прекрасных цветочков🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸

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Joyeux Noël !🎄

OC @/Moradeka

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