Today is National Houseplant Appreciation Day! 🌵

Any flower Betties need theirs pot planted?!

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Today is National Apricot Day!

Are apricots underrated?! Do you have any favourite dishes with apricots in them?

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Today is National Bubble Bath Day!

And if it's cold where you are today, this is the perfect excuse to relax in a warm tub! 🛁

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Today is also Old Rock Day!

Why not find an old rock or pebble and decorate it with paint! You could even leave it back on the beach or park as a gift for someone else to find.

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Today is Harlem Globetrotters Day!

Why don't you go outside and shoot some hoops in honor of this historic team?! 🏀

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Today is National Bird Day!

A day to celebrate your feathered friends .. especially seagulls!

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Today is National Spaghetti Day!

And as readers of her book will know AlphaBetty loves spaghetti!

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Today is Festival of Sleep Day! 💤

Betty is dressed as Disney Princess Sleeping Beauty.

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Today is National Science Fiction Day!

Read a sci-fi book or dress up as your favourite sci-fi character today!

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Today is Ring my Bell Day! 🔔

Happy New Year! Ring in the New Year and welcome 2023!

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Today is National Bacon Day! 🥓

A day for the meat lovers today .. is a bacon sandwich in order this morning?

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Today is National Pepper Pot Day!

A warming thick and spicy soup for a Winter's Day!

Betty is dressed as Mrs Pepperpot from the children's book series.

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Today is National Call a Friend Day!

Haven't chatted with someone for a while? Give them a call!

Betty is dressed as Lola from TV show Charlie & Lola who is probably on the phone to her best friend Lotta!

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Today is National Candy Cane Day!

If you still have room for some treats this Boxing Day .. grab yourself some candy canes!

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Z is for Zooming through the Snow! Happy Boxing Day! If you have snow today, get your sledges out like Betty!

That concludes our AlphaBetty Advent Calendar - hope you enjoyed it!

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Y is for Yule Log! Happy Christmas! A Christmas yule log is a perfect chocolatey treat to have today!

You can also follow our online advent calendar here;

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Today is National Eggnog Day!

It is made from milk, cream, sugar, eggs, spices (and alcohol for the adults)

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Today is National Roots Day!

Learn about your ancestors and make a family tree! Betty is dressed as Miguel from the film Coco which is a tale about connecting with your family.

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Today is Mathematics Day!

Who likes Maths?! Betty is dressed from the film Good Will Hunting where Will is a maths genius!

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Today is National Short Story Day!

Betty is dressed from The Three Little Pigs. If you're feeling creative, why not write a short story of your own today!

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