^w^/) A year ago exactly in this month I published this drawing today I take the time to redesign the concept >////< open

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For Fëanorian Week 2019 on Tumblr
Day 6 - Ambarussa( Amrod and Amrad) - "Twin"

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"Say it with Amrod" using my drawings as stickers for my social networks ^w^/)

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My favorite swimsuit, I already had time that I did not wear it, >w</) Hehehehe

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ú.ù I miss you, I was practicing facial expressions and it took all my attention and I decided to finish the drawing.

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Although the summer is over my little brother and I can still have fun at bath time, squish squish

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Los Hijos de Fëanor fueron los siete Elfos Noldorin Maedhros , Maglor , Celegorm , Caranthir , Curufin , Amrod y Amras . Tomaron el Juramento de Fëanor con su padre y lo siguieron después de su muerte en el Dagor-nuin-Giliath . Mantuvieron tierras en Beleriand , con Maedhros…

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