Poor Who Joon his needs a break😥

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Antifa is a tactic. These people are dressed in "black bloc" to protect themselves and their community from bigots. I couldn't possibly say whether they are AF or not, or whether or not they have testicles. They are in black bloc. Good on them. Smart.

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開場17:00 開演17:30

ADV ¥3000 / DOOR ¥3500(共に+1drink)

5 17


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what a wuss ..antifa scared me next give it a bit andy ngo will spread some crazy narrative .. seriously Stan if this intimidates quit now ..

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wtf nooooo the woke leftist turned Tifa to AnTifa 😱😔🥵 what have they done???
go woke go broke 😡😤🤬😠 https://t.co/QutibXAatd

5 4

Buon 25 aprile a tuttə lə antifascistə.

(Le parole nella vignetta sono di Lorenzo Orsetti, compagno caduto a marzo 2019 mentre combatteva contro daesh al fianco della resistenza curda)

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Attuale mai come quest'anno.

Una vignetta dall'ultimo libro di , "È questo il fiore".

Puoi acquistarlo nell'offerta dedicata ai nostri libri antifascisti, sul nostro sito: https://t.co/5hH88eIzIP

38 191

Les aesthetics 2020 de la presse antifasciste, il se passe des trucs quand même

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El antifaz de carne... nunca falla!

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has once more made some amazing merch design for me. CidalAntifa and CidalGFYP clothing, phone cases, stickers and mugs and half of all profits go to helping Ukraine! https://t.co/GAgsfUgqRc

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Flecha Roja (Sánchez Avia, Pedro Quesada, 1962)

Hecatombre en la que los indios en llamas destrozan a todo bicho viviente, arrasando campamentos y matando hasta a críos. Uno nunca se espera esto de un tebeo del Guerrero del Antifaz. Me está sorprendiendo MUCHO esta serie.

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I saw this on r/antifastonetoss. They are really just making up arguments lmao. I have never heard anyone on the right advocate for child brides. I have heard people on the left advocate for the castration of children however

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Día 159: La skin de Jessie Felina tuvo un leve cambio visual en su modelo, agregándole un antifaz tiempo después de que fuese anunciada en la Brawl Talk de Brawlywood y en la Championship 2021, pero antes de poder ser desbloqueada.

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Flecha Roja (Sánchez Avia, Pedro Quesada, 1962)

Y el pifostio que se arma es serio. Uno entra en la serie esperando aventuras amables estilo El Guerrero del Antifaz y se da de bruces con tremenda guerra Señor de los Anillos en la que solo sobreviven tres.

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