HALO aku mau cari kawanbabu please temenan sama aku, ga ngejar kok janji... aku heizou and ayato main currently at ar 57, main r1999 sama hsr juga. my account is into animanga too. i'm fine with any pronouns but prefer with they/she, i might be so loud about my fave (cont..)

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met malam warga teyvat, dalam kesempatan kali ini sender mau cari kawanbabu yang banyaak! !! sender legal, currently ar 60 and have hutao as my main. selain genshin sender juga suka hype animanga sama gim adiknya. rep with anything and I'll hyu! psst! anemo boys stan (cont..)

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Evening, tweetlings! I am in a mission to seek for more -bllkawan :D I’m in my legal age already and sometimes loud about other animangas too. Kindly leave a trace and I’ll hit you up ♡

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loooooking for *hq moots yg ga masalah aku hype animanga lain juga!

sekalian aku kenalin punggungnya pacar aku🤭 let's be friends!

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Hi... semoga masih rame. aku mau cari kawanbabu. yang gak masalah yaa sender akun nya gak cuma bahas genshin ajaa. i talk a lot about other games, any animangas, seiyuu & books! homophobic dni ya soalnya kadang sender rt dan ngomongin gl and bl. rep apa aja nanti aku (cont..)

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halo soree sender lagi nyari kawanbabu buat ramein tl. sender legal age, she/her, akun sender animangatwt genshintwt sama kpop dikiiit alias unlabeled, sender juga semua ship enjoyers wowow🤍 sender suka jb jb dan sokab (kadang kelewat sokab, maap), agak jamet dikit (cont..)

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helloo!! i'm looking for kawanbabu to interact with since aku baru on lagi dan aku lonely HAHA. i mostly talk abt games (genshin hsr enstars), kpop (svt txt skz) and animanga. drop ur rentry or carrd and i will hit u up! freepass for small acc and navia wanters 🌹

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Two famous nekketsu animangas with romantic interactions and development and not only that, there are many more relationships and couples in both series

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haloo! i’m looking for genshinmoots to interact with 🤍 about me: legal, she/her, baru balik ke twt~ i also play hsr and like to talk about animanga! -18 & homophobic dni yaa. leave a trace if you’re interested!

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haloo! i’m looking for kawanbabu to interact with 🤍 about me: legal, she/her, baru balik ke twt~ i also play hsr and like to talk about animanga! -18 & homophobic dni yaa. leave a trace if you’re interested!

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Halo, aku ingin mncari kawanbabu Aku neuvillette main, ar60 asia dan legal. Akunku unlabeled dan juga suka hype animanga sama hsr. Please leave a trace and i'll hit up!

ps. minor and homophobic dni ya

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Halo, aku lagi mencari kawanbabu untuk interaksi & mencari lagi kesenangan buat main Genshin. Akunku unlabeled, kadang bahas hsr dan animanga juga. Minor & homophobic dni ya.

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hello kawanbabu ! looking for bunch of new faces to be my beloved buddy. i’m into animanga and i love childe. i would be glad if we could have a conversation, but homophobic and under 15 dni! fp for hydro charas lovers 🫂

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Hello! I'm looking for jjkmoots! yang no prob kalau aku bahas other animanga. Esp yang bucin sugusato, Itafushi, n ottoge! Jadi Homophobic DNI dulu yaa (But i welcome all ship, If you respect mine!)
Kindly leave a trace, n i will hyu!

jjkart! by sender ⭐

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hiiiii‼️ ak bru balik dri hibernasi sedang mencari kawanbabu tuk mengramaikan tl n interact with me, i go by she/her on legal age, acc ku safe for minor jgaa 🌹, basic dni criteria, who don't mind kadang aku suka bahas game lain/animanga/manhwa n about rl thingy (cont..)

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Met sore, mari kita ber kawanbabu. I go by any pronouns, legal age and certified aether mom :3 aku hype yang lainnya juga kayak animanga, jejepangan thingy, dan seiyuu. fp if youre into gl and bl ships and aether defender :D homophobic, problematic dan fanpol dni yaaa. (cont..)

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hello, i'm looking for interactive kawanbabu to fill up my tl~ i'll go with he/him 22+, certified sepuh 1000 day+ on genshin, isi tlnya random sekitaran genshin sama animanga saja~

reply with ur basic info and I'll hit u up! mdni yo~

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halooo! sender mau nyari genshinmoots nih, sender suka jbjb dan retweet ship kesukaan sender, mostly talk about genshin dan tipis" tentang hsr, pjsk, hi3, animangas;) NSFW acc dni!

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HIII HELLOO kawanbabu, i’m currently looking for mutuals to fulfill my dry timeline. i go by she/her and furina haver soon! yg ga masalah kalo akunku unlabeled ya aku hype animanga juga <3 leave your best footprints and I’ll hit you up ♡ see ya!

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hi! aku lagi cari mutual yg gapapa mutualan sama akun yg hype other animanga, kpop, western, etc. kecuali minor under 15 y.o, homophobic, dan fanpol/antis, rasis, do not follow

yg cinta shoyo & ngeship shoyo sama siapa aja get a freepass ❤️

leave any trace, (cont..)

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