画質 高画質

Before Twitter dies for the 6th time this year….heres a new OC🐮 i call him Tomo for now

9 87

Sebuah entri yang muncul di Yahoo! Jepang menarik perhatian setelah disana terdapat ungkapan dari seorang siswi yang putus asa karena menjadi korban b*llying di sekolahnya karena memakai smartphone Android.

"Saya dibully di sekolah karena menggunakan Android, sebagian besar… https://t.co/meiMFSZlF6

27 414

I'll use it as an avatar…

9 81

This may take awhile! Dude, where’s my car…. https://t.co/jWNG7nBIMx

2 5

Rex team, fronted by the incredible have created a hub of 1/1 artists and Rex holders can exclusively win unique artwork (over 40 artists signed up so far!)
have been revealed so far….
It’s a pretty big deal!

4 8

Hey we need to talk…I got a devil dude who’s also named after a pepper technically…and the hairs basically similar….U will be hearing from my mom…/j

0 1

Le cyberharcèlement sexiste et sexuel : un sujet sensible mis en lumière par la Mutualité Française et mis en illustrations par… devinez qui ?!

0 3

this pic of ros n this pic of langit were like taken by the same photo company i swear… im going to start crying btw.

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5/5, found footage practice

Collei gets along well with Dottore, but Scaramouche is not so far…

325 2171

Dude i made up in my mind that i’ve been drawing all year… i still dont know what to name him

0 6

Quatro gays entram num bar… they might kiss.

397 1635

atlas! would you allow a lowly earth mite like you to be stuffed between your buttcheeks? — Heh. well you might as well just move to the back string of my Earth thong! That way, you'll actually get to "live" on continents that ar… https://t.co/jPrmcG5ccM

7 27

Redrew Leo’s Featured Scout 2 5 star… you WILL look at him

20 48

Ainda não acabei, mas não sei se eu quero acabar…

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