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Now if they threw in all of the Archie and IDW villains, it would’ve been balanced. Comics beats the game’s villains in terms of uniqueness.

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MC has a lot of composure to be responding so calmly in the face of Archie's intense gaze.

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why go after animals and children when you have buff men like oras archie and guzma

3 45

Attack animation for Archie in

As an artisan that needs to gather materials from dangerous places, you need to learn how to defend yourself from the monsters. Or maybe you could calm them down before taming them?🤔

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I feel the same about Gemerl
He had a lot more sass in Archie,
Now in IDW, he's just a robot who cares for his friends https://t.co/gMkdibNju3

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did some art of my baby archie :) love it fr fr

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The collective consciousness of the surviving population of the of were transferred into aka

(Vol. 1, 1971)


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18: Knuckles the Echidna (Archie)

I have scarcely known a greater pain than trying to read the Archie Sonic comics and getting interrupted constantly by Ken Penders’ space-messiah adventures. Don’t usually note mini-series here but after this I want people to know I survived it.

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As per usual, STC beat Archie (and the games) to the punch lol

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In Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic's family owns what appears to be an Omochao. This is because the family Chao had bonded closest with Sonic's Robian father Jules, prompting it to evolve and take after him.

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I need famale sonic characters to draw cuz im in a fan art mood.

It can be from:
-main canon
-Comics (only idw, no archie, ew)
-movie canon (sonic movie 1 and 2)
-tv shows like boom aosth prime underground or x (no satam)

2 12

my thougths on the robots in archie sonic (mostly early)

"This looks... unlucky to me"
"This sends my eyes into outer space" (that's bad)
"Mecha sonic is..." (Pinches fingers together) "This much good"

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Long hair Yardley Sally from issue 173, writing by Ian Flynn
She purdy💖🐿️

6 53

omg its warchief sasha but amogugnsu

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Call me basic or Cringe, but Scourge is my favorite Archie character lol. But close seconds would be Razor the Shark and Eclipse The Darkling. All of their designs are cool, and I wish they were all used more in the comics.

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Meet two besties: Saggitarium and Oriental, the ghouls of the first era.

My idea is that their duo should resemble Archie and Cruella from the movie...

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Introducing Hoffmann's opposite from an alternate universe (Like Moebius from Archie Sonic) named Maximillian Hoffmann. He's cold towards the enemy, but he treats anyone in his state like family.

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