

He just did beat the devil out of the brush and now he enjoys all the little accidents he framed into the canvas.

6 28

No. 21: Spike
Fridolin geht mit seinem Haustier Spike eine Runde spazieren.

7 40

Day 21, the prompt was "spike."

6 48

She spent ages on this pattern but she’ll never get to wear it.

4 19

21: Spike

The big mix-up or: “Dancing with my Selfie”

3 23

No 21 - Spike

Barnabas smelled that familiar smell of sulfur and brimstone. Scully's captor finally revealed himself! It was the evil demon Spike. What could Barnabas do against such a formidable foe?

7 52

If patterns in the night’s sky sway your behavior and fate, what of the ghosts of unseen dead stars?

10 70

20: Pattern

About 20 years (or 7305 nights) later.
Still asking questions.

4 35

No. 19: Flight
Kaum genesen fliegt Fridolin auch schon wieder wild durch die Nacht.

5 48