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I paused live tv to take a photo of this pose to use as a source for this drawing with coloured pencils on Canson Bristol. Someone asked me if it was Iggy Pop. Aargh! Please say you recognise him!😧

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アブソリュート・デュオ(Absolute Duo) リーリス・ブリストル(Lilith Bristol)2,mimelex

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“David Crosby” by: FLK
(Colored Pencil on Bristol - 14” x 17”)

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Bit of a heart throb most people will recognise. Faber Castell pencils on Bristol Board.

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Tony & Sid from Hancock's Half Hour BBC TV comedy series. Drawn with coloured pencils on Bristol Board.

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The Spanish surrealist painter most will recognise, drawn on Bristol Board with Prismacolor & Faber Castell pencils. Text added with GIMP.

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Blockheads, Blockheads. Graphite pencils on Bristol Board. Text added with GIMP.

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Faber Castell & Prismacolor pencils on Canson Bristol.

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Ronnie Wood drawn on Bristol Board with Prismacolor pencils.

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Amy was drawn with Faber Castell & graphite pencils on Canson Bristol 250gsm A3 size.

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Portrait drawn with Faber Castell pencils on Bristol Board more than 10 years ago. Controversial for his recent comments.

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kitty teeths
6x6 in.
acrylic on bristol

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“Halloweenies ‘15”

Final colors on the 6th in my series of illustrations featuring kiddos in costumes (in this case, it’s characters from “Ant-Man”). Hope you dig it.

Sketched in ➡️Printed to Bristol➡️Inked with Sakura brush pens➡️Colored in Procreate.

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I believe there are less than 20-ish tickets left for Bristol, and Wiesbaden will be sold out in the coming days ❤️

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18 January 1917. The SS15 dirigible with a BE2c cupola, was sent out from Pembroke hunting U-boats in the Bristol Channel. Crashed in bad weather off Lundy.

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Throwback drawing I did of supermodel Gisele Bündchen (the image is from a campaign). I liked the azure-blue tint of the photograph; it's warm, evocative, dreamlike...

Created in Faber Castell Polychromos pencil on Bristol paper.

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Get your fashion hats on! We are back , on Friday 17th March to mark the centenary of Charles Chaplin’s A Woman of Paris (1923).

Special recorded intro by ().

Tickets now on sale, £5-£10: https://t.co/x5AqEMSaH1

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- Space Wonder -
Watercolour, ink and acrylic on bristol 160gms

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in your head

made using spray paint, xylol tranfers, oil pastels, ink, and strands of my own hair on 18" by 24" heavy bristol

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For the evening crowd: my Muppet version of EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE, featuring a mulitverse of Piggies! Mixed media on 9 X 12" bristol board.

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