freddie and eryn both hit milestones :]
very proud of them here is art

38 2042

and both have frog hats so i felt like this was necessary.

also when’s the meetup?? /hj

12 141

welp. i spent far to long on this-

6 31

Wowowowow first fanart I post here and its for badlinu poggggg btw this is like a frame I saw in the stream earlier (sorry if the hand looks like shit)

2 2

haven’t drawn in a week so i sketched freddie during his piano stream today :]

2 13

Congrats on 100k followers!!! This is about 3 days late but I put a lot of effort into this piece and im really proud of how it turned out :DD

12 44

just been drawing during the stream :DD

0 10

Made some Fan Emotes for
The heart and Pog one are actually usable on his stream! I'm coming out with more of them so keep your eye out~

0 14