Trance、Houseをメインに同人・商業の垣根なく活躍しているClean Tearsさん、
Pick up DJに、
2021年「この東方アレンジがすごい!」でも複数楽曲が選ばれていた新進気鋭サークル「_bazzar records」より
as key_(あずきばー)さんをお招きしました!


22 20

栄 club JB'S

Clean Tears(S.C.X)

【Pick Up DJ】
as key_(_bazzar records)


壱崎 影喜、新見

27 25

has begun! Have I done more work the necessary, probably, but that’s what this is about right? Anywho!
“A” is for anglerfish


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Purple is def my favorite color, so when I saw this fairy by deadcupiid on IG, I just had to illustrate her.

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Purple is def my favorite color, so when I saw this fairy by deadcupiid on IG, I just had to illustrate her.

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Once the ball gets rolling, sometimes it’s hard for it to stop till you hit a wall.

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Once the ball gets rolling, sometimes it’s hard for it to stop till you hit a wall.

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So you know how everyone keeps saying like the want a love like Harley and joker or whatever? Well i would def like to say that Morticia and Gomez Addams will forever be

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Linda and Bob are Show the one you love that they are Alllllllright with a customized Valentine!

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Linda and Bob are Show the one you love that they are Alllllllright with a customized Valentine!

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A valentine for that one friend you can count on pulling an all nighter with! Available on Rebubble.

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