"With your passionate heart, your brilliant mind,
your softness, you are forever scored
deep inside of my soul,
my dear, my friend, my love".

A little and simple drawing dedicated to love and to hope...🙏🥺😉

10 75

Yeah... I'm happy for them, so happy ❤
...this is still a dream come true. My drawing was prophetic...
Cogratulations from fandom and from me

98 492

bellarkes realizing we were never clowns for seeing that chemistry

313 878

Well, what do you know, I was really liking Clarke this season. Too bad she'll proooobably go back to her old shenanigans once she comes back😂

0 4

GUESS WHAT I JUST GOT IN THE MAIL?!?? MY BELLARKE QUILT!!!! Thank you to for putting the raffle together for such a good cause! Also a huge thank you to for making this amazing quilt! I love it so much!

5 42

I will share with you my dreams: old drawings and old dreams....but that's what I always hope for..
Do you still think there's hope for them? I'd be happy with a kiss, only a kiss....

20 121

"Because of you, I laugh,I smile and I dare to dream more than I ever have.Thank you for the miracle of you. You are, and always will be, the love of my life, my soulmate,my person"
I found these words in tumblr. I think they're perfect for and for my drawings

45 202

When Did You Start Shipping on We want to know when, why, where and/or what got you into Bellamy & Clarke (via ) https://t.co/Gc4iSxOv9u

56 309

hi i only needed a one minute leaked clip to become obsessed with them again

1 3

Nothing Between Us But Space and Time. https://t.co/QJqcwtRx5Z Multiple chapters. Lots of pinning. Cried a healthy amount. Clarke goes to college - Long distance. 🎓 Stolen Moments. Again COULDN'T stop reading. Underrated. SLOOOWWW BURN.

0 0

How Do You Say 'I Love You' In German? https://t.co/F6dQtwfvPp Multiple chapters. Clarke helps Bellamy pass German and Bellamy is JUST helping Clarke find a prom date..What could go wrong? 📚💕 Bellamy is still a huge nerd. READ IT for your OWN HEALTH.

1 0

How We Stay Alive https://t.co/gY2FTNwCpS Bellarke in different life times together. <3 💯 Like who hasn't read this. Super emotional cried for most of it. I honestly feel like crying now just thinking about it. A real Paige turner. You'll never be the same. Soulmates.

1 3

This is my old drawing: A new day
I miss so much this amazing dream, old dream sadly😪
I'm so discouraged..
I'm working on the little comic (only a page or two..) slowly, sorry to keep you waiting...
Lots of kisses

7 81

Work in progress: "Every time I look at you.. I just want to kiss you".

Sorry, I can't stop thinking about

9 60

i dunno what i’m on, but this shit is goooood. 😂

3 15

But Tonight You're A Stranger. https://t.co/HUAYU8hxgF Absolutely Stunning. I couldn't put it down. The story unfolded so beautifully. I finished it before going to the beach and boy did I get chills... 💙Definitely recommend reading.

0 0

His Moonlight, His Light In The Darkness. https://t.co/mmpViyUGRK Acotar World Multiple chapters. Pulled all nighters reading this one. The story and character development was incredible. I got super attached to this story. Loved the city of Light aspect. Truly Magical!

0 0

So here's colored version. Sorry that it took for so long but I haven't much free time lately to draw. But my love for is so damn strong that every time I got even 5 min I draw nothing but them. Hope you'll love it 🙏🏻

37 185

Heres the completed duo chibi!! The finale scene + some extra cute!! Bellarke merch coming soon! Chibis drawn by the AMAZING !!

20 86

Can't wait to see with Bob and Eliza:all together!
Can't wait to see the relationship with Bellamy and Jordan and more Bell/Madi scenes.
I hope this...
I love drawing this amazing and crazy family 😊🙌😙

27 180