おやすみ(* ^◇^)_旦

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Quando c'è complicità non serve nulla.
Né gesti, né parole.

Buona Domenica Dida! 🌹🤗

👨🏻‍🎨 Claude Théberge 🇨🇦

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“Arising from an exhaustive and in-depth observation of Nature, my discovery consists in the fact that all life and growth is shaped and fashioned through vibration and movement.” “I have come to describe as 'cycloid-space-curve-motion', “ — Viktor Schauberger.

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Mark Polonia監督、Bret McCormick脚本、Ken VanSant、Titus Himmelberger共演"Cocaine Shark"の予告編が公開されたようだ。 (EW)

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Aus ihrer Heimat geflohen, muss Violet ihre wahre Natur verbergen, um zu überleben. Doch ausgerechnet der Mensch, der ihr Volk am meisten hasst, kommt ihr gefährlich nahe ... Lest jetzt die Leseprobe zu unserem Neustart »Die Tänzerin des Königs«!

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Just used the Iron Berger color scheme for Lizzie’s outfit

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Johan Christian Dahl was born in Bergen, in Norway, in 1788 and died in Dresden in 1857. This is 'View of Dresden by Moonlight' from 1839. Oil on canvas, 78 × 130 cm.

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The Lovers' Chronicle 6 March - in your arms - birth of Michelangelo (Erythraean Sibyl, Sistine Chapel ceiling), Cyrano de Bergerac, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, & Gabriel García Márquez

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Just a little sample of concept sketches for BURNAWAY!

Our centers around loss and hope as mercenary ghosthunter/firefighters struggle against Embergeists, ghosts so tormented they burn with spectral fire that ruins structures and lives alike.

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Good night !(。・・。)

I usually delete this but if by any chance somebody was curious this is what doesn't make the cut (worked on 1,5H)┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

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All our souls are written in our eyes ...
~Cyrano de Bergerac

The Alter of Hymen ~ Edward Burne-Jones

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Aus ihrer Heimat geflohen, muss Violet ihre wahre Natur verbergen, um zu überleben. Doch ausgerechnet der Mensch, der ihr Volk am meisten hasst, kommt ihr gefährlich nahe ...

»Die Tänzerin des Königs« ab 20.03.2023 überall wo es gute Manga gibt!

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...tentang skala prioritas mana yang paling bisa menghidupi kita. Makanya untuk saat ini, masih bergelut di dunia teknik sipil. Tapi nggak pernah mau menutup pintu untuk tetap berkreasi di hobi dan passion.

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A few more finished pieces from BURNAWAY!

Our centers around loss and hope as mercenary ghosthunter/firefighters struggle against Embergeists, ghosts so tormented they burn with spectral fire that ruins structures and lives alike.

Follow us for more!

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Suzume sukses bikin hati bergetar! 🥲

Kisah Cinta x Bencana Alam khas Makoto Shinkai yg sensasi magisnya tetep sama, ditambah elemen2 baru yg belum pernah ada di film sebelumnya.

Mystical creature, battle, dan para korban bencana.

Tayang 8 Maret di bioskop.

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ももんは今日もつかれった。(;° ロ°)
それではおやすみをやさしのみんな-さんᕕ( ╯°□° )ᕗ

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Just a little sample of concept sketches for BURNAWAY!

Our centers around loss and hope as mercenary ghosthunter/firefighters struggle against Embergeists, ghosts so tormented they burn with spectral fire that ruins structures and lives alike.

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