Ilustra a Berlusconi
en las formas RUIN a donde llega
un Hombre con pOder O el Poder de un HOMBRE.

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Renzie/Berlusconi e la..."Profonda sintonia"... la scé 'ome una sensazione di profonda inculata ovvia !!!

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Gianni Gipi (couv n°1 revient sur la condamnation de Silvio Berlusconi .

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Ah, si è scoperto l'arcano. Berlusconi ha semplicemente sbagliato busta... By

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my take on the comeback how does he do it?

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turned my attention to the fascinating italian politics - he's back!

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Here is a sneaky look at the painting Berlusconi has paid to have painted of himself.

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Snapt die wel hoe alles werkt?

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