Here's Tina (art by me) and my boy Ro(meo) Bianchi (art not by me)
I'd love to see them both drawn but either one or neither is okay too!

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Based on an old picture of Fausto Coppi riding his Pista Bianchi at a wooden track I did this NFT. 🚴‍♂️
By on ! 🌐

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Consigue la fuente Lucky digitalizada por Andrea Bianchi -

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Il mare mi risuonerà nelle orecchie. I petali bianchi si scuriranno con l'acqua di mare. Galleggeranno per un momento e poi affonderanno. Portandomi sopra le onde ci salterò sopra.
Virginia Woolf

Zdzisław Rutkowski

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La chiamata alle armi significa che dei bianchi di pelle mandano dei neri di pelle a fare la guerra contro dei gialli di pelle, per difendere la terra che loro hanno rubato a dei rossi di pelle.
Da “Hair”

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Ivan Reis Green Lantern. This run was pure fire, Reis is fantastic for this title, his art has big action energy. Simone Bianchi cover

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È viva la tua anima? e lascia che si nutra! Non lasciare balconi da scalare, né bianchi seni su cui riposare, né teste d'oro con guanciali da spartire

Grazie Rebeka e a tutti 💕

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Art by bianchi_5 thanks for the opportunity ^^

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Simone Bianchi X-Men. Bianchi perfectly captures the ferocity and intensity of Logan when he’s protecting one of his own. They are fighting, but once things get serious he shuts it down

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Batman by Simone Bianchi

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ほぁ~よい顔 最近できたオリキャラ

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Amo el pelo de Bianchi, es divertido de dibujar 🪴

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Asi te quiero domado como bianchi domo a la hinchada

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あと衣装がなんか…安っぽい… Simone Bianchi先生のコンセプトアートはすごいかっこいいのに… せめて黒レザーじゃなくて白黒コートじゃダメだったんですか??

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