Reworked 's Rivals cover for a bit so it works better as a wraparound cover. Even at the end of the world, everyone's gotta enjoy what time they have left!

26 155

We're almost there! is 1 backer away from us being somebodies 2x over!

15 78

And it's live now! This special cover (WIP) by will only be available while the campaign is active and will go away when we go in demand! Get it standalone or as an add-on! $250+ tiers have it included, so you're good!

44 155

Gonna be adding a special wraparound cover to the campaign soon to celebrate a great halfway point! Here's the work in progress!

23 118

This is at least the 3rd time we've ended up $1 away from the next $1k! Wonder how many more times it'll happen in the next 2 days. And P.S. yes we'll be extending by 30 days.

21 56

The "PAH" is an anime gal now!

Ashyara: Really Jax?.....(Why am I hungry all of a sudden?)

Pie man: Has anyone seen my oven mitts anywhere? Anyone?

2 21

However annoying my day may have been so far, I look at what we got in store for the future and realize that everything's gonna be OK!

22 108

I don't touch my tablet often, but here goes.
One more piece of fan art for an upcoming comic.
Congrats on six figures!

9 71

Some fanart of the monster bird from Hope you like it.

4 28

Update on coming soon! We got foil and embossed covers, so where do we go from here? While you ponder that, here's the answer to the longtime question of where Ashyara keeps her big girl sword!

29 96

OH HELL YEAH I knew you guys wouldn't let us down! just passed and we're just getting warmed up! So far we're only 1% of goal of $10mil this year, so we can't rest yet!

50 147

We're less than $500 away from Looks like Ashyara may need more help to avoid re-enacting that tentacle cover though, so let's push past that amazing goal!

29 134

It's getting interesting in the universe! We're quickly approaching $100k, and even Barrel Shota is so excited he left his barrel! How's that gonna end for him, given what he sees...

24 74

DAAAAMN, and now blew past $98k! And we've been listening... some say Ashyara is too covered up, too puritanical... She's practically in a burka after all! So I bet you'll love this concept in progress.... more details to come soon!

54 247

Aw yeah, has crossed the $97k mark! To show my appreciation for all you awesome people, here's a small teaser of things to come, fresh off the... um... drawing tablet!

20 100

I know one of you madlads did this on purpose... WELL PLAYED!

36 150

I always knew you perverts were too degenerate for just ONE 69... I'll definitely have to stream tonight, we're approaching two major milestones!

14 53

$60k has been reached! Thank you guys so much! You must really love moths!

50 184

So congratulations to and for passing $50k in 24hrs on This is my first Indiegogo campaign I've backed. Loving this new wave of independent comic creators.
I hear Ashyara has a thing for 🐙😁

56 305