Sánchez-Vialas et al. A new systematic arrangement for the blister beetle genus Eurymeloe (Meloini, with the description of a new species from https://t.co/HuxK3Xy7au

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In the third Solve Your Own Mystery book, the magic goes missing & Haventry starts heating up to record temperatures. What's the connection? Unfortunately, your yeti boss can't think straight in such blistering heat so this time it really is down to YOU!

Published this Autumn

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After some more patience and blisters cleared away, I have finished the coloring of my Dino/not Dino. Had fun experimenting with the smudge tool this time. Loads of fun overall.

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It's our favorite day, gente! It's Fanart Sunday! Since the UK is going to face blistering temps soon, I thought this work from the amazing was quite apt. Stay cool and safe, UK friends, and, like Johnny and Gheorghe, an ice cream won't hurt 🙂

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Chrysalis: Locust, you’re partner here just found these two escaping along with little Thorax here.

Locust: *scoff* Puh-lease, he couldn’t find himself in Equestria’s reflection pool.

Blister: Rainbow pony and blue dog are right about you, Locust, you ARE mean to me!

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Chrysalis: You stopped our important prisoners from escaping AND you found the traitor!

Blister: I did...?

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Blister: No, I didn’t...! *he turns around to find Chrysalis approaching*

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*the changelings had Rainbow Dash and the guys pinned down except for Blister*

Blister: Whoa! Where’d they come from?! *he actually didn’t plan this ambush, Thorax, Rainbow and Puppycorn could tell*

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I'm away this weekend so here's an earlier-than-usual Day! ✨ It's the height of summer and hot enough to blister your barnacles. Don't worry, those ice creams are puppy-safe! 💖

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Blister: *he opens up the rock wall where Puppycorn and Rainbow Dash are being held* Somepony’s here to see you two!

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Blister: Okay, okay, I’ll go get them for you... bestie! *he flies through the caverns to where he was before*

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Blister: You want me to find them for you and then you can be my friend...?

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Blister: Uhh... me and Locust... kinda... captured them.

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Blister: Uh-huh. One of them had a necklace covered in spikes and the other had pretty beautiful rainbow colours in her mane and tail.

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Blister: Now I won’t ever have a friend like those two blue friends...

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Blister: No... Locust lied about being my friend...

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Blister: *sniffling, looks back at Thorax* 🥺

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Blister: *he stops hovering and sits down* ...Those two blue prisoners were right... 🥺 Locust isn’t my bestie... I don’t have a bestie... *he started to cry a little*

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— Such a display of power countered the incoming missiles, blistering gales, and pillars of ice; completely nullifying the enemies’ combined tactics and sending a literal wall of cosmic energy every which way! —

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