| A little bite? |

still in a cutie's hoodie!!!

and, when drawing I remember deadlines for assignments, so many details are forgotten;-;

Dah ah, mau lanjut nugas

23 74

Hello a new full-of-deadline week.

2 22

Highschool streetfighter

29 128

4/7 elemental stories✨ | Ramadhan edition (Old comic)
Blaze [Bersyukur]

11 35

One of the requests I took on Facebook (◕ᴗ◕✿)
My simplified chibi style or "piglet style"

1 9

Im kinda late but here
after seeing many fanart of child solar and daun
I cant stop myself from drawing child ice and blaze in kids hoodie lol
this is just a doodle so its a bit messy

0 2

🔥 : "Ahahahaha! Ice you're so funny!! Ohhh wait, i want to take a picture of you!!"
❄️ : *Sigh* (Ok just this time) *✌️*

I don't know why i draw this random thing XD
But ngl, they're so cute 😭😭✨

9 37

Doodle for fun!
Blaze sulking again!!

0 2

I suppose to swap color them.. but I do mistake 🤣.. Blaze and Ice boi.. Art collab with very talented artists Fiemizu.. lineart by and color by

13 59

Bismillaah... H-4 Ramadhan🔥
Sebelum Ramadhan tiba, latih diri, maka ibadah puasa Ramadhan insyaa Allah ringan dijalani
Puasa bkn sekdr menahan lapar haus, tp juga hawa nafsu, dosa yg disengaja, emosi yg tdk manfaat
Contohin doi, lg bljr nahan lapar+emosi wkwk

3 16