Selwaye Studio • Sweden • Agency • Profaligner Identity & Packaging Design • Category: Brand Redesign • Published • WBDS Awards • Nominee • 2021/22 •

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formascope design • Armenia • Agency • Harvy fruits • Category: Packaging Design Creation • Published • WBDS Awards • Nominee • 2021/22 •

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BBVA Creative • Spain • Production Team: User T38 • In-House • Lightstream • Category: Digital Creative Campaign • Published • WBDS Awards • Nominee • 2021/22 •

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Ollie Hirst • United Kingdom • Art Director: Nam Le • Creative • Go With the Workflow • Category: Illustration for Creative Campaign • Published • WBDS Awards • Nominee • 2021/22 •

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Marion Le Peutrec • Shillington Education • United Kingdom • Student •Mother's Mind • Category: Integrated Creative Campaign • Concept • WBDS Awards • Nominee • 2021/22 •

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Little Buddha - Little Buddha Attains the Perfect Combination of Naturalness and Science in a New Project for Montibello

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