She-Hulk character “Buck Bukowski” from the Savage She-Hulk run will be in the series! Though, this depiction of Bukowski is named “Dennis Bukowski.”

Bukowski is known for being very competitive with Jennifer in the Savage She-Hulk.

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"Siempre estás atrapado entre dos opciones: o te mueres de soledad mientras esperas a la persona correcta, o puedes terminar tu vida mientras soportas a la persona equivocada".

~ Charles Bukowski

Las dos son pésimas, en ti está elegir lo mejor


64 68

'All We Have To Do Is Reach Out & Touch' by

"Everything is beautiful. We have all this beauty in the world & all we have to do is reach out and touch it, it is all there and all ours for the taking"


3 3


1 5

Alcuni non diventano mai folli
I loro vini devono essere
proprio noiosi.

Charles Bukowski

Salvador Dalì

12 18

“Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.” ― Charles Bukowski

Vladimir Kush

1 12

Sembri una tutta
equilibrata ma in realtà
sei emotivamente
E poi hai questi enormi
occhi, e la cosa
certe volte mi
Charles Bukowski

Malcolm Liepcke

11 38

"Understand me. I’m not like an ordinary world. I have my madness, I live in another dimension and I do not have time for things that have no soul."

- Charles Bukowski

Me ⬇️

8 22

Ricordati che il tempo è giocatore avido:
Vince senza barare ad ogni colpo!
È legge,il giorno declina,la notte cresce;
ricordati!L’abisso ha sempre sete;
la clessidra si vuota!

7 8

Flipper is my favorite mint so far. It’s an ode to R. Crumb’s illustrations of Charles Bukowski with my own spin.

3 11

Charles Bukowski dessiné par en 1996 ! ✏️

7 23

“What matters most is how well you walk through the fire” - Charles Bukowski

Luckily for some of you, your spirit animal will light the way.

Comment below on the next elemental spirit animal you’d like to see 👇🏼 (🌊 🌪)

95 291

Are you becoming what you’re always hated ?

Charles Bukowski

🎨 Justine Florentino

0 2

L'anima libera è rara, ma quando la vedi la riconosci soprattutto perché provi un senso di benessere quando gli sei vicino

Charles Bukowski

11 29

As Bukowski said once: "you have to die a few times before you can really live". This phrase inspired me to create this painting because I've felt like this before, many times in fact: dead (emotionally, artistically dead). Each figure of this painting represents those moments..+

5 10

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts. While the stupid ones are full of confidence.” Charles Bukowski.

0 1

Bukowski Tavern in the Back Bay since 1998. Finished colors. One of my old locals and likely be one of my first stops when I’m back in Boston next week.

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