The fact that it isn’t a hot take to call Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin the best CBM villain of all time 🥺💚💜

242 2308

I’m going to give what is possibly a controversial opinion for cbm & cbtv

If there’s gonna be built in abs on the suit they either need to be obviously part of armor like aquamans or actually look like they could be under the fabric like mos

7 37

What CBM Twitter calls cinema.

66 661

New podcast alert! We conclude our ranking of the Top 20 CBM Villains/Antagonists with 10-1! Did your picks make the top of the list?

21 24

Batman vs Superman: Ultimate Edition is the best cbm ever made

257 1338

Today I learned that the movie "R.I.P.D." is based on a comic book of the same name.

It's becoming increasingly apparent to me how much of a goddamn miracle it is that "Deadpool" was able to revive Ryan Reynolds's career after so many CBM flops he was in.

1 15

Imagine not reading manhwa cbm

0 7

This is an absolutely disgusting upcoming slate from marvel. Every one has potential to be the best MCU or CBM’s to date

0 1

There fixed..... TSS was a 1.5/10 for me.... as a DC fan i truly hated it. Zack Snyder Justice League remains as the BEST CBM EVER

0 1

Dude, with the most twisted plot you can put on a public movie screen, the fights would easily make this one of the darkest live action CBM flicks ever attempted

3 12

My dad made me watch THE Suicide Squad with him last night. I do not regret it in the least.

0 1

I haven't been this ecstatic and blown away by a CBM since Avengers: Endgame. Thank you
for one hell of a film!

0 3

Ok so here's my thoughts on it's not nearly as comedic and silly as I thought it would be. Has some of the most heartwarming/heartbreaking moments of any CBM. Interesting fleshed out characters. Incredible cast. Beautifully shot. Crazy action. 10/10.

7 40

Top 4 CBM's 🎬

Nomino a cada persona que quiera hacer este juego 🙂

0 20