And some more strips... I thought I was on a roll... and even did a Charlie Brown Christmas parody!

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So about 100 years ago (wrongly estimated) I wanted to do a tribute to ... So I did a strip called 'Soynuts'. This is there story.

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Good Grief. The original VA of Charlie Brown from the classic Peanuts Specials "Peter Robbins" who passed away at the age of 65 by taking his own life (due to struggling with mental health issues.).

Rest in Peace, Peter. We'll miss you.

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the voice of Condolences to his family and loved ones. 🙏

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I remember sitting in front of our huge Zenith console T.V. to watch the Peanuts specials in the 80’s. I miss my childhood. 😞

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Here is my tribute to my friends that have been with me for a long time, and those who I befriended recently, I thank you all, and I hope as the years go by we become better people, I love you all.

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Charles and Snoop in my style 🥜

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