C cat ear michi… I think it was mizu who requested this but it says their account no longer exists??? 🧍‍♂️Miss you…

7 19

nooo! takodachi… you have to pay for those!!! (only if it’s not wednesday)

0 3

I was finally able to finish this piece. This first try at it had issues with the liqued frisket melting into the paper. But it's done and I'm soooooo pleased with how it came out.

0 0

and they make Mochi… ( ФωФ)

5 13


🔫 (′ω’ 🔫)バキュン!



1 13

crop top kuramochi…

48 101

im so sorry for your loss mochi… may he rest in peace. my condolences to you and your family
please take all the time to process and heal. sending a lot of love and support to you and your family.
if you ever need anything, i’m always here for you

0 1

When I talked about hair problem with my colleague, I thought about Quanchi…👨‍🦲😂Did he used to have hair before he came to Netherrealm…?🤣

6 51

kuramochi… hsu taiyu…

55 87

WARNING: BLOOD. Shawchi… fainted? Looks like hypnotize was a bit… too effective?

2 9