画質 高画質


599 4985

was inspired by Temmie's art for this one so i went with more muted colors and shades than usual, might end up going with this for the long run cause it's refreshing

7 36

coloring practice

63 417

Art! Suka banget kalo udh sampe base color gini, rasanya gamau ku render hehe

0 39

Art! Maw jajan dong genks!
Style, semi realism / western, sketch color or full render. Familiar with Marvel, esp Bucky Barnes & Gambit, X-men. Oke sama anatomy cowo berotot, Cyborg arm, middle age, brewokan, muka sangar/brooding eyes, Fighting pose, couple 4 person. (cont..)

2 0

Miku and Aperture Turret (Spring Onion Color)

2529 15408

I thought the color of the boots blended with the dress a little too much, so I decided to turn it grayer.

0 3

【Web再録】COLORS+その時君は何着てた? | ゆき https://t.co/4mKODMCruH

26 253

5/3例大祭、こ53b「PERSONAL COLOR」にて頒布致します。 『廻国の海』68p、B5判、700円の秘封本です。

155 363

It funny they draw Uno into fate ep frame, u can tell from the line art border color lol

0 1

I like how she's connected to parvati's design with tiny details like the pink nails and eye color

0 0

reply and i will give you a
color to post ur favs from !

i got silver 🤍🤍🤍

The last one probably doesn't count but i ran out of silver characters https://t.co/C9BQAXrIVO

2 40

Mushoku Tensei Volume 2
Roxy Migurdia Color

24 279

Imitation Ghost - ストレイライト (THE IDOLM SHINY COLORS "CANVAS" 05 - EP)

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