for some dumb reason i decided id draw every cat ever in Carnageclan (i 100% wont finish this lol)

anyways, here's Flashstar, the 1st leader of Carnageclan. She was criticized for taking a kittypet as a mate, but her open-mindedness grew the clan's size.

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ive become addicted to this game🕺

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Splashcry has become Splashstar after Shellstar got killed by a dog, so heres a drawing of Weaselpelt giving him a life for judgement :D

also ik theres not supposed to be an inherent story w/ ClanGen but ive taken Carnageclan and given them PLOT lol

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Splashcry! He is deputy of Carnageclan, Weaselpelt's mate, Fogpelt's son/former app, and Hootstar's grandson lol

he's my fav, and ive closed the game multiple times to keep him from dying (ik its cheating but shhh)

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I’ve been playing around with ClanGen, so I present my clan: Curlclan (1/6)

Leader, deputy, & healer

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Anyway, I've been hard into lately, it's been fueling a Warriors renaissance in me:

ft: my personal clan, Gullyclan, and a few requests of other cats that I've taken in the discord server.

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Clangen is addicting, I'm very invested in the lives of these pixels

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Snipears and Fern have apps now :D meet Flippaw (left) and Whirlpaw (right)

theyre the same age so they will be training side by side :))

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I downloaded Clangen and it’s a mistake don’t do it you’ll suddenly have so many OCs

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Mallowjaw found and adopted a stray kit but I like to think that she just kidnapped some poor loner's son and Shadeclaw just goes with it lol

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one of my mutuals from instagram’s clangen cats! her name is nutlake and i love her smm
belongs to oniono3

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rozenfrost and Robinneedle from my play through of !! The names of these cats are silly but I love ‘em.

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ty to everyone who popped in to play clangen with me and !!!! we had such a fun time!! heres some doodles of our main character, barkwing, and other supporting characters!!!

check out the vod here if you missed it!!

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one of my cats from clan gen he is cloverclan’s backbone

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draw some of my clangen cats

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Shrewkit, son of Birdlotus. He died only a few moments after joining Carnageclan, almost as if someone misclicked, accidently killed him, and then drew this because they felt bad about "killing" a few pixels...

Sorry, digital kitten :'(

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Fallowshine, a cat who didnt have a parent figure as a kit due to her mother & brother dying and her father being busy with deputy duties, adopts an abandoned kit, Snipkit.


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more spiralclan cats + a few from clan :,]

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Some of my ClanGen cats from a save file that corrupted </3


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