I designed a new clown for a sona last night, his name is Revolania. And I finically cleaned up and finished Hitomu!! I am very proud of both of them tbh!!

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Lol so this is my character Devin, who is one of my oldest and popular amongst my friends. So! As a fun little thing, you can join my Patreon for $1 per month and you'll get exclusive Devin doodles by me at least every other day!

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Day 7! This time featuring my Oc Kyte~ he's one of my sonas :))

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Day 6! My murder twins!! Priest (he/him) and Bishop!! (She/her) - they’re one of my fav designs I have as well, so it was fun making them mermaids!

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day 5! This time feat. my oc Nikki (nonbinary she/they)~ I love them tons uwu I had some other characters set up but its late enough I went with one that already had a design sfgkjshf

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doodled myt pretty grumpy lady Annette a bit ago :)) <3 The other 3 are slightly older pieces of her i just feel like sharing

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