trixie noticed coli and my heart is exploding

0 0

Thank you and , your coli guides are what kicked started it all, and you've been here since the early days!

6 23

Heyo 150 followers! Thanks all! I have some medals to show off that I made when I was just starting out. =D
(Expect new coli guides soon!)

9 21

I find my new Coli team... ACCEPTABLE

0 1

サークル 晴れる哉 スペNo. U05
B5判 130P前後
ゲスト イブ様 喜一様 きはな様 詩葉様 coli様 sato様 MIW様 水湊様 半畳様
 表紙デザイン 舩木同人ワークス様(

37 54

Discovered: E. coli carrying mcr-1 gene conferring resistance to colistin

49 30

tweetstorm still on going - E. coli illustration by

8 11

Sketching a bio-engineering lab, creating smells by manipulating E-coli

6 9

Sketching a bio-engineering lab, creating smells by manipulating E-coli

0 1

idol Princess Kim has a and a -Todd Seagull has E.Coli.…

0 1

Trudno jest zrobić eksplozję z menthosów i coca coli! Poszły 4 butelki coli zanim sie udało

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