and comes to

& partner to bring its popular League of Legends to comics, releasing online monthly Dec. 19 with a TP published May 2019. 1st series is League of Legends: Ashe: Warmother.

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Top this week:
Uncanny X-Men
Mister Miracle
William Gibson's Alien 3
Transformers: Unicron
Bitter Root

1 0


Top this week:
The Green Lantern
Disney Afternoon Giant
James Bond 007
Marvel Knights 20th
Star Wars Han Solo Imperial Cadet

1 5

Long time will recognize this as being a of the famous poster from the

It just seemed like a silly thing worth doing for fun. Maybe I'll use it as a or something.

0 1

check out the post-apocalyptic thriller 'The XII' (twelve) by on

It is a very interesting story with amazing artwork. Published by

4 10

don't miss 's release of Rick & Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons by amazing writers & with awesome artist , when Morty needs to learn how to play to keep up with the cool kids.

12 46

is launching a solo series for Williams, on Nov. 7 2018! This series will be written by Dr. Eve L. Ewing & drawn by Kevin Libranda. Issue will feature cover art by Amy Reeder.

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Happy July 18!

to read this week:
The Life of

Rise of the
Archie Meets Batman 66
The Euthanauts

0 0

celebrates his 25th birthday with 3 new runs in the Crimson Lotus, Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1956 & a Hellboy Winter Special.

Mignola has a panel at to Q&A.

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