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Bigleaf hydrangea are so pretty this time of year. Mama is growing the purple flowers in her garden too! Purple flowers are so pretty!

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A sparrow has nested in the garden. The chicks are so cute waiting for Mom with their mouths wide open!

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It was raining when I walked Max today☂️
He became fascinated with a snail! It was very funny to watch!🐌🐌🐌🌿

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Phew! I just finished cleaning the house today, including the bath that is now as shiny as new. I'm exhausted!

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We went shell collecting at the weekend. We'll put the clam shells in miso soup for breakfast this week. The smell of the sea will surely help us wake up in the mornings!

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It's Children's Day today in Japan! People display Samurai helmets and fly carp flags to wish their children grow up strong and healthy.🎏

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When I was walking Max this morning I saw so many beautiful flowers. It made me feel that summer is on its way!

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I was working in the garden this morning. Beautiful pansies and daffodils are blooming! I even saw some bees. 🍓🐝🌼

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This morning I woke up to the singing of a nightingale! Such a lovely sound to wake up to I hope I can hear it every morning until summer!

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Reuploaded my x mashup after fixing some irksome mistakes and bird app's terrible cropping. 😅

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Spring cabbage is so sweet it tastes great! The kids love spring vegetables too!

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The kids have been telling lies all morning. They're silly fun lies so they're OK today.

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Thanos Mama or Cooking Thanos?

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I saw a turtle sitting on a stone, basking in the sun on a stone while walking Max by the river today. It's getting warmer so they must of came out of hibernation.

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Today is Girls' Festival in Japan to wish for girls to grow up to be healthy and happy. People decorate with sets of dolls and peaches while sushi and mochi are eaten!🌸🎎🌸

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こんにちは!クッキングママです。今日は りね。お雛祭りは、女の子の成長と幸せを願う行事ね。お雛様や桃の花を飾って、#ちらし寿司 や菱餅でお祝いしましょ!

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