Hey! I’m Cosmo! I’m Bigender Bisexual Demiromantic! Here’s some of my art!

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Thank you for hosting an artshare! And thank you and for the tag. Much love to each of you 💛

Heywoooooo! I'm Warbringer Jalen (or just Jalen). I'm a landscape/nature artist! And this is my main OC Cosmo!

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My second sona, Cosmo! They love head pats, stuffed animals, and all kinds of collars!
(I mmmaayy be getting a fursuit head done of them as well >w>)

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Thanks for hosting an artshare!

Heywoo! I'm Warbringer Jalen (or just Jalen)! I make landscapes and nature related art. And this is my OC Cosmo!

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Congrats on the 1900 Camphooor! You'll be 2k in no time! Thanks for the art share! 💛💛💛

Heywoo! I'm Warbringer Jalen (or just Jalen). I'm a landscape/nature artist. And this is my main OC Cosmo!

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//bright colours
I’m Cosmo! ꒰ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ꒱ I’m an A-spec lesbian artist!

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Thanks for hosting an artshare! 💛

Heywoo! I'm Warbringer Jalen (or just Jalen)! I'm a landscape/nature artist! And this is my OC Cosmo! It's a pleasure to meet you!

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Oh no! I sincerely hope you feel better! 💛

Heywoo! I'm Warbringer Jalen! It sounds like you need Cosmo! He's my OC and I'm happy to share him with anyone not feeling at their best

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Love it Cosmo! Here are my two cheetah grandpa NFTs and NFT:

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//bright colours
Congrats on 4K!!! ʚĭɞ ೃ
Hi hi I’m Cosmo! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭

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Hello! Im Dains and an ace queer artist :D💛

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CAMPHOOOOOR! Congrats on the 1.8k and thanks for hosting! I'm sorry your week didn't end the way you wanted to! *hugs* 💛💛💛

Heywoo! I'm Warbringer Jalen (or just Jalen). I'm a landscape/nature artist! And this is my OC Cosmo!

3 9

Thanks for hosting an artshare! And thanks for the tag! 💛💛💛

Heywoo! I'm Warbringer Jalen (or just Jalen). I'm a landscape/nature artist! And this be mah OC Cosmo!

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Thanks for hosting an artshare! 💛💛💛

Heywoo! I'm Warbringer Jalen (or just Jalen). I'm a landscape/nature artist! I'm currently working to add people, animals and even creatures like my OC Cosmo!

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🎤 2011/05/23 @ 20:07 JST ✝️

Happy birthday to Shuudou Shoujo to Guuzou Shoujo by CosMo! As of now, the first upload of the song is 11 years old. CosMo様の「修道少女と偶像少女」、記念日おめでとう!今から11年前にこの曲は投稿された。

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