Cosplans for this year hopefully! 💕👏✨ Zero Two, Shinoa, Yun Jin, & Yae Miko. Other cosplays will make small comebacks / upgrades but this is my list I’m sticking to for now. 👏☺️

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My 2022 comic cosplans ( if i can get a new job )

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future cosplans! i want to take up a challenge when making my next one so 😤😤😤

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our cosplans! i’m gonna be larry, mitsuri, and jotaro

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✨ Cosplans for 2022 ✨
Ellie Williams - TLOU2
Loba Andrade - Apex Legends
Toga Himiko - Boku No Hero
Aerith Gainsborough - FFVIIR

PS: Pray for me 😂

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pspsps the magi cosplans 👀💖

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All my 2022 cosplans

I keep changing but these are them so far :D

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2022 cosplans. Only two so far, but both little tail bronx because I feel like it and the games deserve a wider audience. Malt for delta h con and Béluga for either San japan, anime frontier or TFF 2023 (not sure how long he will take)

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So I didn't post cosplans for 2022
finishing Zhongli (GI)
Kazuha (GI)
Reyson (FE PoR)
Rath (FE Blazing Blade)
Balsa (Guardian of the Spirit)
Shi Seiran (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
Seteth (FE3H NY fanart)

The ones I get finished of these get finished.

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Here are my cosplans for 2022! 🤩
To be honest I would like to do them all at once 🤣
But well each one need time 😅
Not really sure in which order I'll do them... let yourself be surprised 😉

And I want to do a wig remake of Takeru 🥰

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Upcoming cosplans! Pramanix, Hu Tao, and Sara are all currently WIPs!
Everybody else will be coming in no particular order!

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Very excited to show you my cosplans for 2022! ✨

There will also be some surprises. 🙃

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just a few cosplans i plan on doing in 2022 + a couple more! 💕

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These two are basically a definite, I really wanna bring out Sumia again and Lumine has been on my list since I started playing Genshin xD

Others will be “casual”, cause money, but they include Dimitri and Leo :3

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Main cosplans for 2022:

- Catherine of Aragon (Six)
- Fem presenting Victorian Aziraphale by (Good Omens)
- 1967 Crowley (Good Omens)

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There are my 2022 cosplans:

- Sona Pentakill III Lost Chapter (It's in process)
- Lucien Lachance from TES Oblivion
- Soraka Cafe Cutie
- Sona Crystal Rose (If I have time, because I take a long time to make a cosplay ^^U)

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Cosplans for next year? Well, I only have planned on making Baji (the school uniform but I do wanna make the valhalla jacket..) but I've been eyeballing that adult Hanma too 👀

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