[Art] I drew my longest running character, Credence. via /r/DnD https://t.co/8eRdJwntwC

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Credence has a heart of gold and a fist of stone. She tells the rest of the party off for hurting people but she uh... she once sat on a guy's chest and crushed him. It was an accident.

(She also tried to suplex a kraken once but let's not talk about that)

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Here's my sleazy boi and pride and joy, Credence. 1920's magician and bootlegger (and drinker). He often gets tied into a bunch of shenanigans and supernatural trouble that eventually gets him stuck with a demon that turns him into a demon. His best friend is a vampire hybrid.

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I own Credence Barebone bc JK Fowling doesn’t exist and doesn’t own Harry Potter universe so he is mine.

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Me da curiosidad el hecho de que los únicos pjes que tuvieron este estilo de poster fueron estos cuatro. Newt es el protagonista y Dumbledore es Dumbledore. Y Credence, ponele, por la profecía¿Y Nagini? ¿Qué onda? ¿Será una pista? ¿La cuarentena me comió el cerebro? Obvio que sí

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queenie and credence are like super bisexual characters, please dont tell me otherwise

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cant believe I didnt post it here

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My newest PC Credence coping with current events

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Credence, Leta, Theseus, Kama

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Meet Credence Coppertongue, my new tiefling rogue ;)

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"I'm old enough to not give much credence to what other people think of me, especially strangers. But yes, I understand the hesitance - the potential judgement. In the end, the drawing is for you"

- Hannah Clark

Doodler Interview with 👇

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credence barebone in "tiefling rogue"! ()

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I got tagged in something going around that i admittedly, dont know what it is, by , so i will simply show Zach since i havent DRAWN HIM this year- and a Credence, bc i didnt draw much last year either

I'd tag people but im. too shy hshs

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and | they carry pumpkins, but they don't know yet that they are the sweetest pumpkins here.

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