🚨 VEM AÍ 🚨

Segundo o a Vixen está chegando no DCEU.

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I asked you guys if you wanted me to make a Hawkgirl fanart but with my queen Sofia Boutella and you said YAAAASSSS.

So... here she is.


I don't know if this character has a future in the DCEU. But i don't lose hope.

7 27

The Canaries of are iconic female superheroes. Talented actresses played them on DCTV and in the DCEU. The fans want to see more of the Canaries played by
, and

Art by

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intro’d the Tatooed Man in a really cool yet tragic way. So a version of him on screen would be pretty cool in the DCEU. Colter could also be a cool Unknown Soldier (or Jon Bernthal)

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So it looks like is prioritizing over Hawkgirl for the Rumors claimed both were coming, but I guess we're only getting one.

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You Can See Power Girl's Shoulders in the DCEU.

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I consider her one of the most important and inspiring female DC superheroes. This piece of fan art by shows the history of Canaries from DCTV and the DCEU. I like the cover art for your novel. I want to see it become a graphic novel like the other DC YA novels.

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. congrats on the win! This poster is amazing and is a great signifier of the Snyderverse/DCEU. Your post on Vero brought a tear to my eye. 😂 I grew up loving Snyder’s work+ JL being such a huge part of my childhood. This is why we fight! 🤘

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📌| O estúdio WB já está com planos para o futuro de Zoe Kravitz no DCEU.
Se a aceitação do público for positiva com a atriz no papel de Catwoman no filme The Batman, eles pretendem transformá-la na nova garota propaganda com produções independentes da personagem.

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SO apparently Green Arrow is being introduced in the dceu.....DinahOllie nation how we feeling ????

92 408

Al parecer será independiente del DCEU.

Bad Robot y WB buscan crear un Universo de JLD, lo suficientemente rico y extenso para incluso dar series o producciones para HBO Max y al mismo tiempo no depender de DC Films.

Toca esperar como evoluciona.

61 431

Thinking about that one time Margot Robbie said she wants Poison Ivy in the DCEU.

19 95

I'm officially starting my campaign to get Blake Lively as Kara Zor-El on the DCEU.

39 196

Birds Of Prey tuvo OTRA proyección de prueba (Ya van 4)

Las reacciones, una vez más, fueron extremadamente positivas. Avanzan un increíble casting y un nuevo y fresco estilo para el DCEU.


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Nothing but respect for the Trinity of the DCEU.

100 391

Se estaría trabajando en una película de del
Arte de

5 18


El Robin muerto en el Snyderverse es Dick Grayson, así lo confirma Zack Snyder, ademas, el director planeaba introducir a Carrie Kelley como su reemplazo.

Ahora que Snyder fue despedido / reemplazado, esperemos que esto no forme parte del nuevo "canon" del DCEU.

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- Se revelan artes conceptuales de la película cancelada del 2015, la cual tenia un guión de Guillermo del Toro, del Toro abandono el proyecto en 2016, y se decidió hacer un film animado.

Se sigue trabajando en una nueva versión live-action para el DCEU.

37 134

We don't deserve Ben Affleck/David Ayer/Zack Snyder. We don't deserve the Batverse. We don't deserve the

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