Welp, it's the end of December, so let's check with Alolan A-Nine-

. . . You all let him grow big, didn't you?


Made by !

23 118

"Kiss the Keith" color vote for December, Keith takes the initiative, suggested by Galen and Sentinel Prime's Chin! https://t.co/iK9RjvIh8S

361 2981

MERMAY IN DECEMBER, HELL YEAH. I love long tails, Ma'am. Also, Miss Jelly ❤️

0 3

☆ Webtoon New Covers on December, 2022 ☆

*a thread


33 143

☆ New Webtoon on December, 2022 ☆

*a thread


39 151


105 862


66 598

more comms I finished this december, a3! edition 🌟

1 4

Mokuran was finished in November and Chikata in December, but I’m adding them to this also to keep everyone together~

0 1

I have 2 close customers, often order my comm every year for they anniversary
This December, he is going to propose to his girlfriend.
But the real surprise is, even though I didn't know where he proposed but I drew like I was there
I Hope you have a warm,happy and faithful life

56 890

"Raine Close-up" Color vote for December, a close-up of Raine's muzzle complete with whiskers, suggested by Orekh! https://t.co/HH93G3DIQX

243 2611

In 1953
‘Oil. The Philadelphia National Bank.’
Illustrated by George Giusti (1908-1990)
Fortune magazine, December 1953

1 1

A bit late but it's still December, haha. I just wanted to draw Hitotsume in some Christmas attire because of "Shirayuki".

0 2

in 1951
Cover of Fortune magazine, December 1951. Illustration by George Giusti (1908-1990)

2 3

Electronics Magazine - Christmas Edition. "A future electrical engineer reads about Bell Labs' invention of the modern transistor. December, 1947" -Latent Press

5 18

And then in December, I tried to open comms again, but got really screwed over life-wise, so I didn't get too much done. I was unsure which of the two pictures I felt like I liked more, but tbh the pose in this one is so cute

(Sorry for the QRT Linky)

0 10

The three Padorus OC i made as a request earlier this December, with one being for .

These gave me holiday spirits, holy heck.

11 42

i'm so late for their birthday oh my GOD 😭 my dearest brooke's birthday was the 24th of december, but i was traveling at the time so i couldn't do this for a while :( regardless, here is their birthday picture! i've had them for 6 years now! wish them a happy birthday rn

6 21