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Twisted donkey and wolf

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65 413

If Sakurai were as biased for Donkey Kong as he is for Fire Emblem they all would playable be in smash

36 259

What if I drew Donkey Kong in the Persona 4 battle HUD

35 109

An incredible piece by

Thank you Donkey VERY COOL VWV

46 407

Good Saturday ! Here is a old donkey prson drawing for today (~^w^)~ 💛💛

11 40

Cat Donkey Kong and Cranky Kong (He is gonna kill his grandson later)

5 16

[ENG] This is... a curious Donkey Kong xdddd
So, i think i'll do it again in the future.

1 2

Playing this back in the day, I thought this level was out of place, because nothing in it looks like it should be anywhere NEAR Donkey Kong...

Years later, it turns out I was right, because it is, in fact, a cut level from Banjo Kazooie that they repurposed for this game.

0 0

Modern Chef (very hard) 948
Modern Ball (easy) 5830

I'll get that 1k points on very hard Chef. I'm closer to 100%-ing Game & Watch Gallery 2. I just need to get 1k points on both difficulties of Modern Vermin and Classic Donkey Kong.

Game & Watch Gallery 2

0 2


17 64

Funky Fresh (My 2nd favorite of the DK Crew)

51 136

Donkey Kong gets a life and becomes a fun guy...

2 3

Happy World Bear Day! Whether it's a Brothers Bear, brown bear, teddy bear, or polar bear, bears are well-represented in the Donkey Kong universe. I'm still waiting for the Brash Bear spin-off game.

25 114


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