# dantev

[ BL / DMC5 / DanV ] Just random doodle...

It's almost the end of July & I feel I still can not do a lot as I need for this month 😭 Have to really start to draw doujin of DanV😤🔥🔥🔥 If I can finish it I'll be so really happy for I can push myself to success something.

28 139

[ BL / DMC5 / DanV ] Give me a good luck kiss 💕

Back to my origin after I try to learn something new
If I have more skilled... we may see moving DanV pic XD

66 220

[ BL / DMC5 / DanV ] Happy weekend~

51 206

[ BL/DMC5/DanV ] Mew~ 🐾

70 234