I love the trend of and been thinking about it for a while. These are mine

0 4

Why yes, I am ageing very well

4 61

Dramatic, funny, adventurous... but mostly dramatic.

0 3

My ! I’m 100% going to be like Imelda when I’m older and I can’t wait

0 3

Adam's is somehow both revealing and unsurprising...

0 5

Minha personalidade em pq:
Dory: falta total de memória de curto prazo
Pocahontas: nóis ama e protege a natureza e os bixim tudo
Rapunzel: das arte e emocionalmente inconstante
Kronk: nóis cozinha e é gente boa pra chuchu!

0 1

Going to assume means who you identify with most...? If so, this is Comfort Love in four characters.

0 6

My is just the cast of The Sword in the Stone...plus the gerbils from Zootopia

0 1

My Draw whatever conclusions you’d like based on this, it’s all true

0 6

My based on how I relate to these characters on an emotional level.

0 2