So gave an honest assessment of the omnishambles - & suffered Tory/ BBC wrath.

I've got no strings 🎶
To hold me down
To make me fret
Or make me... say what Boris wants🤡
I had strings
But now I'm free
There are no strings on me 🎵

9 7

Andy Davey: Top marks to Emily for breaking free of the humiliating government puppetry that constitutes the rest of - political cartoon gallery in London

16 24

NEW GOVT. ADVICE: If you're worried about your eyesight... get in a car and drive to Barnard Castle.


55 89

Meanwhile in the UK 🚗🏰👀#DominicCummings

1 3

Dominic Cummings explains his 'exceptional' circumstances 🙄

10 27

I spent a day drawing 4!!!! Dom C toons so I hope I can re-enter the contest
If I were to choose one it'd be the spitting one

14 49

Corona-Mobile! Dom testing out to see if he can drive etc

4 21