Drakar och Demoner: Orch, Svartnisse, och Svartalv, som ju skiljer sig från Mörkeralv. Finns lite beskrivningar av dessa varelser i DoD böckerna, men bilderna är minsann ganska spridda tolkningar. Undrar om Klyvaren är något som fanns historiskt. Viss likhet med svärden i SoR...

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I'm late to this but here's my overly dramatic mess aka Drakarisy MC

Tragically in love with the enemy of his kingdom.

There's even a webcomic

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My MC is Drakaris but my favorite is actually Tsune hehe.
Tsune is my most powerful OC, he's the head mage of the Dark Realm, Mayro Kingdom. He gave up a lot to gain the power he has. He's cold and terrifying and mf stunning. 😤

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"What have you done"
(fixed reupload OC Drakaris)

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Drakar och Demoner is Scandinavia's first and biggest tabletop RPG, originally launched in 1982. Now, we celebrate its 40th anniversary with a brand new and reimagined edition.

With Free League Publishings stellar track record of high quality releases.


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literally any of them. Here are a few let me know if any of these stand out to you if not I'll keep posting!

top left: my MC Drakaris
top right: sassy bitch Tsuki
bottom left: tough boi Kasaar
bottom right: my angry grem Damian
I have more art of each of them (except Kasaar)

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All of my OCs are one of my original races and a part of my queer fantasy webcomic

Here's Drakaris (left) the MC of the story, He struggles with his loyalties vs his heart.
Prince Raju on the right is a shade user, usually, level headed and very calm (not here

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a few more. I can't spoil the one on the left but the one on the right is Drakaris x Fang who are canon <3

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Dragonbane/Drakar och Demoner is a classic fantasy RPG full of magic, mystery, & adventure. 🐉
Designed to facilitate fast & furious play, with short prep time & adventures that are a breeze to run.⚔️
Back it on & play the Quickstart Guide ->

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You are an adventurer in your heart & soul, ready to risk your life in search of glory. Maybe in it for the thrill of encountering strange beasts & foes?

A world filled with wonder lies ahead.


Back Dragonbane/Drakar och Demoner RPG on Kickstarter! https://t.co/xkPgLnM717

16 59

80年代に生まれたスウェーデンの元祖ファンタジーTRPG「Drakar och Demoner」が長き絶版の時を超えて40年ぶりに帰ってくる(英題はDragonbane)!しかも開発元はFree Leagueだ!ということでkickstarterが開始!イラストもあのVaesenのイラストレーターさんが手がけているぞ!

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SAME THOUGH there is an except for me though >.> Drakaris' butt X'D

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two newest, the left is Drakaris and was done as a joke between my friend and I but he came out so good X'D
right is Tsune <3

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Dragonbane/Drakar och Demoner is designed from the ground up to facilitate fast & furious play. ⚔️
We call this playstyle "mirth & mayhem roleplaying" – great for long campaigns, but also perfect for a one-shot.
On Aug 30, sign up here -> https://t.co/xkPgLo3IpH

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Drakaris in the bunny outfit >D

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Let's kill this love
[OC: Drakaris]

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Heart of Kandrakar Hair? Comment 💖

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