Day12: A Magic Anomaly

Being a creature of the shadow plane, Maverick has the ability to shift his appearance with its darkness. His mask looks skull like in the shadows, but appears to be white leather in the light.
This moon is dose not offer such light.

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Day 11:A critical success

They head out and Verinen tests the blessed sword on one of the beefy lesser demons. Cuts through just like butter~

Djimb: Look at her go! That's my wife
Maverick: *signs* The ceremony isn't for a couple more months..
Djimb: that's my WIFE

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Day10: Awakening a hidden power

“Before you leave, Exorcist. Bring me the hunter’s sword.
Allow me to teach you a blessing. A gift of our rising sun.”

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Day8: A Wondrous structure

Basic healing isn't enough. But A grand cathedral of the Holy Sun lay at the center of this city, if they were able to make it there in one piece it may provide the materials needed to stabilize Verinen’s wound, lest it get worse.

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Day7: The Aftermath of Evil

Banter aside, the trio had managed to cut down the remaining ghouls. However with their attention had, the Demon Prince took the chance to flee. He could be anywhere in the city by now, especially with those wings…

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Day5: Fending Off Ghouls

After The teams quick thinking, Verinen is able to get back to her feat. However the wound on her eye has left her blind.
The Demon Prince let out a horrible shriek and the hordes of lesser demons and Ghouls start to close in on them.

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Day3: OC Losses something serious+ A battle for survival!

Verinen is a skilled hunter, but already worn from the city’s hordes she missteps just as the fiend's claws connect with her left eye.
Her golden irises mix with blood and pain as she stumbles back.💉

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Sep19 Day 2
Big Bad Evil Reveals Themselves!

When the guild said that this city had big demon problems, they didn't day anything about a Prince...

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Sep19 Day 1
A World Enveloped in Darkness

No one quite remembers when the demons came.
The day the planet merged with hell.
It’s too dangerous to be out at night.
Keep a light whoever you go.
Pray to the holy sun they don’t come for you...

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June Day 11 - Awful Wild Magic Surge
When you grease yourself by accident...

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June Day 1 - "Protector Aasimar"
21 days of D&D drawing prompts, with a 24 hour time limit to submit them to survive each day.

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Draw or die June 1st AND a new d&d Kiddo!!!! Fallen Aasimar Vampire anyone? 💉💜

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If he can't get you with his arrows.. he will get you with cuteness :)

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Draw or Die D&D Edition
April Day 20
“Doggo Adventurer”

I want a Bernese Mountain Doggo!


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Draw or Die D&D Edition
April Day 14
“Dieselpunk D&D Character”

Drew my bladesinger Zier in Dieselpunk-ish garb. I wonder how nature inclined races like elves and firbolg would do in a Dieselpunk setting.

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Draw or Die D&D Edition
April Day 11 Prompt 1
‘Dire Animal Companion’

I don’t normally draw animals, so not that great! Sorry!

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