
Segundo día aHh-

Perdom si se ve un poco mal,,

2 25

I have to finish this...
.....even though I'm already late....

29 452

Day 1 Real form (little ball of light)

4 104

Real Form.
Aquí mi granito de arena, espero y terminarlo. ¡Ah! que emoción :3
Espero y mami Joku este orgullosa de mi QwQ <3

0 7

hice lo mejor que pude../I did my best...think so QuQ

Day 1! real form :D

25 249

Día 1
"Real Form"

Espero completar el Dreamcember pero mientras tengo dibujado a este hermoso Dream ❤️

1 9

꧁real from꧂

Primer día akdjwn

2 20

Dreamcember - day 1 : real form little ball of light

1 17


ven y a acompañanos en este ultimo año de 2020 cumpliendo los retos del pequeño Dream. Te esperamos, no olvides tagear tu reto con cuando lo termines!


61 465

Dreamcember i had not posted! a dream about a magical tombstone in a Graveyard!

0 2

ay 5: so this one was about fleeding from atlantis city with a tiny submarine and ending up in a small village dock. The fisherman here was surprised to see this machine emerging from the depths as he was its creator.

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Day 2! This one was about mysterious green thunderstorms and finding out the source of all of this mess

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