Sigmario and Kaiser Sigmario

Source: Mario
Super Mario World (SNES) by Nintendo EAD

189 763

fiz isso na ead, gostei mto :)

0 14

Coisa simples e idiotas que eu penso quando estou na EaD:
Man, o kageyama mantém o olho dele assim por mto tempo
Tipo, ok, meu problema de vista nem me permite ficar assim por 1 segundo sem voltar perdendo completamente a noção de espaço, ELE FICA ASSIM MTO TEMPO, eu morreria

0 0

I've been reading The Priory of the Orange Tree aaaaand even if I'm at the beginning I already ship Ead and Sabran so much!!! 😅

11 28

Early fore'ead reveal! Sorry bae xD
The reason most holomems cover their forehead, because they are all playing board ._.

24 350


8 17



6 7

Huffin' Sigmuffin

Source: Huffin' Puffin
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES) by Nintendo EAD

28 121

Giant Baby Sigmowser

Source: Giant Baby Bowser
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES) by Nintendo EAD

102 350

Sigmarmos Knights

Source: Armos Knights
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) by Nintendo EAD

27 140

Sigmaphael the Raverick

Source: Raphael the Raven
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES) by Nintendo EAD

21 130

✨ the boy who swallowed a star // howl's moving castle fanart ✨

quem der um biscoito ganha um beijo na testa ead

19 55

When I first played F-Zero X many years ago, cuz of how blurry my old crt tv was, I thought Mr.EAD's mustache was his mouth and his eyebrows were his eyes and had a pumpkin like face which I thought was cool. Then was disappointed finding out what he really looked like 😅

7 27

Master Stalfigma

Source: Master Stalfos
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX by Nintendo EAD

17 134

Eu peço mil desculpas por não ter interagindo aqui durante praticamente um mês;

Eu to tentando organizar a minha rotina de estudos/lazer esses últimos tempos (ainda mais com o EAD) e bem..

EU LITERALMENTE ESQUECI QUE O TWITTER EXISTIA, eu to me sentindo muito idiota agora

0 3

será que coloco essa foto no ead e espero a merda acontece?

1 53

Campeões do lol no EAD — a thread

29 77