Ah yes I cleared Ebf5(free version) today so have some high quality doodles

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drew this back at the beginning of 2019 since I heard about EBF5 and eventually the pic also made it in the game...in the same room I drew fanart of the crew back in 2014
still I like it enough to post it here, too X"D

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EBF5 v2업데이트 기념으로 그릴려고 한 연미복 컨셉짤인데..ㅋㅋㅋ한 한달은 붙잡고 있는듯..언제 다 그려어어😂

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EBF5 fanart..😳
I drew it with a similar feeling to the annalie I drew last time

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And here's Natalie again, this time by Pastapanic. https://t.co/4kvDfq752f

This outfit is actually in EBF5, but it's easy to miss.

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EBF5 Natalie😁(textured)

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EBF5 clothes change drew them all🥰

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Here’s the EBF5 team as Final Fantasy 6 sprites, by Alexandre Bourbon from the Steam Community.

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The big EBF5 v2 update is going live on Steam on the 15th. The price of EBF5 is going up to $20, so this is your last chance to buy it for $15!

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You can now get stars for your medals in EBF5, by playing on beyond Epic difficulty.

Read about it here:

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Oh yeah, for those who didn't notice, the EBF5 v2.0 beta launched on EBF5's birthday.

Here’s a birthday fanart from Pastapanic.

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Based on highlight, why anna default hair hard to get it right or find right one

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saying "my life sucks" when things go wrong
-makes you sad

saying "anna ebf5 wouldn't want this for me" when things go wrong
-makes you think about anna
-reminds you that anna cares for you

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Here’s a really cool fanart of the evil players in EBF5, from Hana-Pong.

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31 new medals are coming to EBF5 in the big update, along with 2 new rooms in the Grand Gallery, and 36 pieces of fanart and concept art.

The new medals won't be harder than what is already in the game, and won't require you to start again.

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Made some nice things with the EBF5 assets! Created a cute little robot computer head named Quib and . I also made a Tales-like EBF Mock-up Battle! I'm up for more ideas on what to make. Though, I could be limited on some things.

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